6 month anniversary
I just hit my 6 month anniversary at 88 lbs gone forever. This month has been the slowest moving for me. I hit my first plateau. I was hoping for at least 90 lbs by now but will take the 88 lbs. This month I was not able to work out as much and I think that was part of the problem. This month I am going to try to get to gym at least 4 to 5 times a week. I know when I do that I am feeling better!! Also just saw my endocrinologist two weeks ago and she upped by thyroid medication since my thyroid levels went a little wacky. That has also helped the scale to start moving and making me feel a little better energy wise. I am in a size 18 and some 16's what a difference from a size 28. I enjoyed clothes shopping for first time in my life. The only problem now is that is I am in the in between the big women's shop and regular shop. Oh well that is only a matter of time before that changes!!! This was the best thing that I have done for me in my whole life!!!!