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Topic: RE: To Revise or Not to Revise....
I too have gained about 20 pounds since I had my surgery in 2001. I have thought of a revision too but I think the key here is that we have had the tool given to us, now we need to change our bad habits. We need to re-train our brains instead of looking for the quick fix. They never told us that it would be easy afterwards but then they dont have much in the way of support after wards either. I am really depressed right now with myself. I can't believe that I have allowed myself to get this way AGAIN! I am still 100 pounds lighter than when I started yet I still have 60 pounds to lose.
Maybe we can help each other come up with a plan that will work.
Christine James
Topic: RE: Post Op 3 Years and Almost back where I started...
I had my surgey on March 27, 2001 and I was 326 when I started. After a year I had gotten down to about 204 and was in a 14/16, now two years later, I am back up to 220 and I am miserable. I just took out all my summer clothes and nothing fits. I can completely understand where yu are coming from. I told someone today that I had gastric bypass and their response was "I would have never known" and I said I know because I an still FAT. I am in a size 18/20 now and I hate myself. I throw up too, mostly from eating too much. I can't tolerate a lot of meats and so many things bother me that I often find myself living on cereal and yogurt.
My email is [email protected] if you want to keep in touch. Perhaps we can help each other get back on track.
Christien James
Topic: RE: Post Op 3 Years and Almost back where I started...
As we all know, this surgery is a lifetime commitment. I don't have any advice, just words of encouragement. Try to remember how you felt when you first started to lose weight and how proud of yourself you were.
Remember that everyone gains after surgery.
It's a fact of life.
I don't consider you a failure. Everyone makes mistakes. The true test is what we learn from those mistakes.
I don't know enough about your eating patterns to comment or offer advice but I can tell you what has worked for me. Carbs are also my downfall. But I still eat no refined sugars and I work out 3-4 times per week.
You would have to know me to understand what working out costs me. I do not like it but have recognized that this is something I will have to do for the rest of my life if I want to avoid returning to my former size.
You also have to realize that with this surgery, no food is a bad food...even carbs and fat. In moderation.
Try to remember those lessons the doctor gave you three years ago.
Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before you eat to give your pouch a sense of fullness.
No fluids for 60-90 minutes after eating.
Start with small portions(even if you have to weigh your food). No more than 5 oz.
Eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs.
No fried foods
I know this seems restrictive but it truly does work. I've seen it and I've lived it.
I don't believe in luck but Best Wishes!
Topic: RE: Has anyone else had a revision since 3/01?
In my case it was that the original surgeon didn't make my pouch small enough to start with and that my Roux limb was only 75 cm. The original surgery was performed lap and the surgeon couldn't *really* see behind to the back of the pouch. Turns out that there was a big hunk that was missed and left intact. During the revision, I had 6-8 ounces removed from my pouch letting me with a 2-3 ounce pouch. The revision also involved lengthening of the Roux limb from 75 cm to 175 cm. This causes more malabsorbtion, so less calories are absorbed. I have to be more careful though, because I also absorb less vitamins and nutrients. Since the revision I have become severely anemic and B-12 levels are very difficult to maintain. I have to take an injection twice a month. I did take off 65 lbs. as a result of the revision, so I'm half the weight I was when I started and very happy being here. Tomorrow is my three year anniversary and I'm going to go sky diving!

Topic: Post Op 3 Years and Almost back where I started...
I had my surgery on 3/15/01 and at the time I was 314 lbs... down from 363 on my pre-op diet. I did very well at first and lost down to about 200 lbs, which for me was a size 16 and I was satisfied. Big mistake. I should have never let myself get satisfied because I obviously became complacent.
I started gaining about a year ago and made yet another mistake, quit getting on the scales. I am very sad to say that I have gained 80 lbs and although I'm still 80 lbs less than I was at the start... it is completely unacceptable.
I know exactly where I went wrong. I found that I could eat crackers ... and eat them and eat them and eat them. I can't eat much of the protein still and get full quick (full as in my stomach being full, not full as in being satisfied) but I can pound away the crunchy carbs.
I throw up more now than I ever did early on (which was very rare) because I try to put too much in my stomach. Although I am afraid my stomach has stretched way too much sometimes, sometimes I think maybe it hasn't because of the fact that I can't get much protein in.
I'm really at a loss because I'm back where I was before... I need to learn to watch what I eat and eat the proper foods.... the exact place I failed before and opted to have the surgery.
I need some support but I don't know where to turn. I'm embarrassed now to tell people that I've had gastric bypass surgery (whereas I was proud when I had lost the weight). I'm embarrassed to go on a diet because everyone I know knows I'm a failure now.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
Fat Again in Florida,
Topic: Post 3 yrs
At 4'11", am one of the more 'vertically challenged' persons on our websight! I began this journey at 196 pounds, which looks like a size 20 on someone of my height. I now weigh and maintain, 100-105 and wear a size 2! I got smaller than I ever expected. I'd have been totally thrilled with 130-140 pounds, which is where my Dr. thought I'd end up. No tummy tuck needed. Very little sagginess at all. Energy level is incredible! No more dirty looks from my horse, for climbing aboard him! Keep up on your vitamins. Got in trouble from Dr. for too low of iron. Won't skip vitamins anymore. Great surgery. Great results. Would do it again in a minute! Good luck to all!
Topic: RE: To Revise or Not to Revise....
I read your profile and I am 3 years post op as of March 5th. I weighed 261 and went down to about 140 now I am about 155 and nervious I can eat more now and I have eaten pretty much what I have wanted and
now I am looking and that carbs have been easier that protien and I am guily of the easier path, so rather than a revision I am looking at this as still a valuable tool and I am eating more protien and less carbs.
Barbara Halley Nolan
Topic: To Revise or Not to Revise....
I started out at 250 lb in March 2001. I was down to 160 and that was after my tummy tuck and breast reduction Nov 2001. Soon after, July 2002, I was back under the knife for augmentation, the Doc messed up..I was also put on B/C pills. So, needless to say, I am back up to 193....YIKES. I am now considering a revision..Is there anyone that can give me some insite?
Topic: RE: Has anyone else had a revision since 3/01?
We must live the same life - my weight loss stopped at -130 about 1.5 years in. I got so depressed about it that in frustration, I gave up and jumped off the wagon. I'm still trying to find my way back as I have gained almost 30 lbs back. I have thought about a revision but needed some feedback first - what does it entail? Please let me know. Great Big Hugs. Thanks, and god bless us all...