MSW will not settle
on 1/7/11 4:41 am
Amazing how no one comes here anymore.  Posts over six months old are near the top of the board.  Hope all's well as we approach anniversary number two. 

Habits have changed.  We've improved our bodies and our minds.  We are still working towards goals both scale and non scale victories.

I still struggle with crazy erratic weight gain but I am staying within a reasonable size despite forever fighting pounds.  I'm still working on loosing an extra ten pounds as a cushion given the 14 lb range I float within no matter what I do.  Fingers crossed, I can make it 15 lbs to cover the full range. 

Give us an update if any February 2009'ers are still out there. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/7/11 4:32 pm - Athens, AL
I am lost and working to find my way back.

I had my beautiful little girl in July.  I was 212lbs when i delivered (193 when i got pregnant).  i currently drift between 190-198 give or take (wearing clothes). I for some reason have no desire to eat protein and i NEVER get in enough fluids...idk why.

Please please please....if anyone is out there and would like to whip my butt into shape.  here is my email

[email protected]

a daily reminder of protein intake and fluid intake would be fantastic, idk what happened...i just havent been able to get back on track after the baby!!

chocolate is trying to take over!!  ugh! i hate it. but for some reason, if i dont get a few "hershey kisses" a day.....i get the worst headache!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
on 1/18/11 10:26 am
I had my "two year" appointment today.  I'm happy to say that I weighed in at 188.6.    That puts me really close to my 'personal' goal of 180.   [Of course, I would LOVE to be 160, which is half of my starting weight, but I am realistic.]   I ran the numbers not too long ago ... I have lost 40% of my starting weight.  Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Six months ago, my doc said that their 'goal' for me was 200-205.  I was in that weight range (203). I had been around there for about a year.  I'd take off some, put on some, take it off again .... I think I'm finally back on track.  [Tho, sometimes I do keep looking to make sure that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a locomotive waiting to run my butt over!

What I have done is increase exercise.  Increase water intake.  DECREASE snacking -- I had gotten itno a bad habit of snacking.  

I have learned that certain foods are like drugs. If I have them, I crave them ... I want more and more and more.  I cannot eat the McD's Big Mac Snack wrap -- even tho they are not completely 'unhealthy' (and I always threw away most of the tortilla.  I cannot eat Pringles.  One pringle leads to a whole can.    

You have to constantly remind yourself that this surgery is a TOOL. It got you this far, but now .... you need to work like a 'normal' person would to lose those extra pounds.  YOU have to do it yourself.  

Good luck everyone! I have faith in you!

on 2/10/11 11:27 pm

I have just recently gained 4 lbs over night.  It seems as t hough my body is hungry and able to eat more.   I know I need to exercise and eat right.  Did you notice that you all of  a sudden could gain weight too?  If so, how did you stop this.  I want to stay down at my low weight and maintain it, not gain 5 lbs a month, this is what happened before.  Any suggestions?

on 1/20/11 9:19 pm - Hermitage, TN
I am nearing my 23 months and things could not be better.   I got to my personal goal in 9 months (to weigh 230 pounds) and then tried to slow the weight loss a little hitting an all time low of 165 (from 480) last october (right after my gall blatter being removed).   I have bounced back up to 177 or so where I am staying.   Life is pretty good - I take my vitamins and always get about 150 grams of protien in a day but also dont worry about anything else - somedays I eat 400 carbs .   This has been the best experience for me and I hope everyone else has been too.  


Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)

on 1/25/11 7:21 am - exeter, PA

I will be two years out soon and holding at 132lbs. I eat very healthy and very well everyday. Take all my vitiams and my health has totally improved no more HBP or HC and my kidney problems gone. I no long take any meds just lots of vitiams.Hope you are all doing well. I can't believe it will be two years already.

on 4/6/11 11:26 pm, edited 4/6/11 11:27 pm - Moreno Valley, CA
Congrats on your new baby!  And congrats everyone on your successes!

I have lost 139 lbs and am at 178.   I still want to lose an additional 30 lbs, but am struggling to get it off.   I am so happy I did my surgery and would do it again in a hot minute! 

24 lbs lost prior to surgery
MSW will not settle
on 4/8/11 7:24 am
WOW!  I clicked here from my profile page by accident having forgotten I ever posted this thread.  I'm so happy there are several replies and we have not forgotten each other. 

Congratulations for making your goals and for continuing to work towards your goals and for maintaining your weight loss and especially for getting on with life doing the things weight loss has enabled you to do.  Was that sentence long enough for you?  LOL. 

As for weight gain?  I am on this diet for life.  Stay on plan, stick with the basics of diet and exercise and you can drop any gains and maintain. 

You may remember I have fought weight gain since five weeks post op and always lagged behind the rny'ers in wl.  The bandsters even adopted me as an honorary mascot but they soon passed me in wl too.  Two years and a month later I have a medical explanation as to why I still fight weight gain.  It will always be that much harder for me to loose it and then re loose it and to keep it off.  Nevertheless, there is no stopping me.  I'm 10 lbs up right now but I will be 5 lbs below my low weight in time.  That will put me at 20 lbs below my docs goal, and 7 lbs below my revised goal, and within 3 lbs of my "ideal" weight.   

Congratulations to us all! 
on 10/2/11 11:58 pm - Arlington, TN
I used to get on this site every day.  Once I reached my goal, I thought life was great.  It was, but then I started to graze a little and about 3 months ago, started gaining.  I've put on 20 pounds.  I have to get this extra poundage off of me.  So......IM BACK.  I need this support and I need constant reminders that this is just a tool and that it is up to me to eat right. 

The problem for me is the cravings.  Like a previous poster said. One thing that triggers my cravings leads to my eating more than I should.  Crackers and the dreaded DIET COKE, seem to be the things that have gotten me off track.  It is an addiction, no doubt about it. 

I am trying to get back on track.  I don't fee good about myself right now.  I want to get back to where I need to be!   Any suggestions and support would be greatly appreciated.

Im at 203 rignt now......was down to 169 .......Hightes was 297
HW/297 SW/265 CW/206 GW/165  Lowest Weight 171 (12-09)

MSW will not settle
on 11/9/11 3:44 pm

So sorry about the weight gain.  Two words I don't see often on this site is DIET and FAT (other than dietary fat).  I've skiped the life style change euphimism because that is all it is for me. 

If you don't want to be FAT you have to stay on this DIET for life. Sounds lousy but we have lived the alternative.  Its go back to basics and stay there. 

My hard nosed DIET FOR LIFE RULES follow.  Last month the endocrinologist, tired of me whining over this bouncing 15 lbs, said to me:You can live on only water and not loose weight.  I am certified metabolically fkcu'd.  Fortunately I've gleaned a few tips from succesful vets. 

-  Treat yourself at times but not treats that are risky for you personally.  I've heard diet soda can do folks in but that is not an issue for me.  However, I must approach fruit with caution. 

-  Work the head issues that pull you backwards toward behaviors tha made you fat to begin with.  I'm convinced that this will eventually save me. 

-  Never never buy a bigger size and don't be fooled by vanity sizes.  Know your body measurements and the measurements of your clothes and carry a tape measure.  If the waist on the new outfit is bigger than what you were already wearing put it back and loose the fat. 

-  Variety keeps you interested in eating well and exercising.  Boredom leaves you eating the wrong foods to find variety and skipping exercise for something you prefer. 

You can drop that 20 lbs and keep it off.  It may be harder to loose this time.  It may get even harder if you wait or if regain again.  You already know its worth the struggle not to be back where you started. 

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