lab results..
i got my blood work doing GREAT... 5.1 hba1c...anything under 6 and under is concidered no longer diabetic... was 8.9 pre-op... im slightly anemic.. just need to up my iron a lil...but everything else is on point! calcium perfect... protein perfect.... and so on... so alot has changed in the last yr... especially the last 5 months... im no longer feeling like ahuge burden since now including vitamins and calcium... my meds are less then $80 a month now ... and $50 doc visit for b-12 shot every 3 months.. so thats about $1600 a year total not counting blood work.. if needed... not bad huh? compared to $800+ a month meds.. $50 a month doc visit.. to get meds... so say $900 a month... $10,800 a yr last yr... i do spend more on food now... but healthy food isnt cheap.. and what i do buy now lasts me weeks.. not just say one meal and a snack... if that.. i dont really do protein shakes unless im not feeling well and "tiny tummy" needs a rest... so i still have some stuff i bought pre-op.... feeling less of a burden sure does wonders for the soul..... oh and...As of this morning........ im down 5 lbs... which puts me at half of my expected loss........
That's great Peggy!! You're doing awesome! It's a good feeling seeing that hba1c come back under 6, isn't it??
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Congratulations to you.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous