I must confess...I'm taking my shame public
I'm embarrased and ashamed. I had planned to keep this one to myself. Then I read a post about blowing the pre op diet.
I ate ssshhhhhhh potato chips. In the abridged version of my tale, I stepped off a plane, into Walmart, and bought the big bag on sale. Then I got in the car and opened them, and un-did my pre op diet as I drove home.
This act of self desruction was not brought on by any emotional trauma or trigger event. I was not overwhelmingly hungry either. This was simply an I eat because I eat situation, not unlike past situations that helped get me here.
This is a screw up of major proportion because it speaks to how easy it is to be one's own worst enemy. Of course I know only I suffer because of this. That's like knowing if I set myself on fire I'm the one that burns. Still, I did it anyway.
Like some one drinking alone in the dark at night, no one else may know or care come morning unless I come clean. So here it is, a full confession. I won't pretend unselfish benevolence and the hope of helping others motivates me to fess up. There is no vanity that I am somehow so unique in my screw up that everyone would find this interesting. I am putting it out there and letting it go.
I am not sad or angry but I am warned. See how easy it is, despite your best intentions, to make a clusterf&%k of your situation with very little effort.
If you're wondering what happened to the rest of the bag... When I pulled into the gararge I crushed it and struffed the junk mail I took from my mailbox in the bag with the crumbs.
Fortunately I did not eat much of the contents of that big bag. Unfortunately, I let even a morsle pass my lips.
Nuff said. I'm back on track!
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
i am so nervous about tomorrow but i am keeping my head and chin up, knowing that after tomorrow my life will be changed for the better.
good luck everyone.