Surgery FEB 15- Dr. Pompa in Mexico
The doctor explained why he didn't do the gallbladder at the same time as my bypass even though other drs do. He said that sometimes its impossible to tell even with ultrasounds and bloodwork if you have a stone in your bile duct until bloodwork after the gallbladder surgery. If he removed my gallbladder and then sectioned and sewed up my blind stomach, and then found out I still had a stone, it would turn from a simple scoping procedure down my throat and stomach, into a another major surgery where they would have to open up the blind stomach and go in that way. So he felt that it was better to do them separately.
Made sense...doesn't mean I'll be any less miserable on the 16th when they cut me open again lol
btw he gave me three free food days this week...but I'm trying so hard not to go crazy and gain any weight back. I'm already up 3 pounds just from all the fluids they pumped into me at the hospital.
It's kind of depressing how easy the weight is to come on, and how hard to come off. :(
Made sense...doesn't mean I'll be any less miserable on the 16th when they cut me open again lol
btw he gave me three free food days this week...but I'm trying so hard not to go crazy and gain any weight back. I'm already up 3 pounds just from all the fluids they pumped into me at the hospital.
It's kind of depressing how easy the weight is to come on, and how hard to come off. :(
It is all water weight. you will pass it. I know these are going to be few miserable weeks because you will not have any time to feel good. This to shall pass. Hopefully, we will be talking in 6 mths about how much weight we lost. How great we feel and trying on smaller clothes. This will just be a memory. Hang in there till then.
I am in Birmingham, Al. I am leaving on 2/15 for surgery. I am having the vsg. I am starting my preop diet now. i do not go on straight liquids until 5 days before. I am looking forward to my surgery date. I do not like to weigh so I want do it until I leave to get on the plane. After surgery I plan to weigh weekly. I spoke with lola (from the message board) last nite for two hours. She is 6 weeks post op and has lost 40lbs. Just think about that. I so ready to do this. So just think about how great you are going to feel soon!!! I know I am rambling.