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Topic: RE: Feburary 4th!!!
My scheduled date had been today, but they needed to reschedule yesterday due to an emergency. My new date is 2/4 too. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thank all of you for the help and the friends ships I am making...Dr. Watson's nurse called and my date is FEBUARY 22, 2008..............
you all have become my good will fairies...Now please send all info you can. Lots of love sending out to each of you, Joycenow

Topic: RE: Feburary 4th!!!
Hey Jill. Congrats on your big's mine too.
Many blessings....

Topic: I just wanted tooooooooooo.....
let you guys know that I, too, am one of your surgery sisters!!!!! So move over Honey, let me have a seat on that bench, too.
Wishing you all uneventful surgeries and uncomplicated and swift recoveries. See you on the loser's bench.

Topic: RE: Whats everyones preop requirements...
I find it so very interesting what everyone has to do and we are all having similiar surgeries.
Topic: Scheduled for February 13th
I am scheduled for February 13th and I cannot wait!!! I am currently on Medifast and have 10 more pounds to lost before the surgery ---- yeah!!! I am more excited than I have ever been and also more scared than I have ever been. Its not the surgery I am afraid of - I have had 19 --- this is a HUGE step but a positive one! In 6 months there will be soooo much less of me.
Looking forward to this new life and adventure of a lifetime that will last a lifetime!!!
PS I am going to Ellis Bariatric Center at Ellis Hospital - Dr. Panemanglore - anyone else?
Topic: RE: have a date 02/05/20...
Mine is on 2/5 also!! Did you realize that's Fat Tuesday?? How appropriate is that!!
Wow, such a great program....I'll need to step up my routine & incorporate the
stairs in my building also, what a great idea.
thanks, jan