Feeling like the weight isn't coming off fast enough.....
Hi - I always write for my husband and we haven't been online for awhile and I wanted to see how everyone was doing. I noticed that everyone here that responded is a woman and I thought you might like my perspective of a man going through this. Dennis had his surgery on 2/28/07 and has lost 48 pounds so far. He didn't have too many problems, he only threw up once and he had the ketosis (I hope that is right). I thought that it wasn't fair - he goes through things easier. But, as I read above - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! His weight loss has slowed down to nothing for the past 3 week, he has been feeling a little yucky, suffering from some head hunger, pushing the limit on what he can eat, testing things he shouldn't be eating and getting frustrated. Now I see he is normal as everyone else. He is doing well now but he knows it wasn't a magic cure but something he still has to work with. Racheal, you made an EXCELLENT decision and I am sure by now you realize that. Congratulations to you!
I can't tell you how encouraging it is to hear from other Feb. loosers
and know I am not alone. I have been so depressed the last few days. I had resigned myself to the fact that yet one more thing did not work. I am out 9 weeks today and I am only down about 30 pounds since surgery. I have been eating between 700-800 calories for the most part. Today I decided to do something drastic to see if my body will respond. I only took in 470 calories and burned 175 on the eliptical. If my body doesn't respond by next week I will be pissed off. It is SOOOOOOOO nice to hear others going through what I am going through
I have decided that it is SO helpful to have suport of others who have had surgery around the same time that I have created a yahoo groups support group just for those of us who had surgery in Feb. E-mail me for more information.

I had my surgery 2/12/08 and I have lost almost 75# so far. My theory is that the heavier you were, the quicker and more you will lose. My surgeon said something like that to me when I went to have my staples out. I started out at 402#, so I am still in the 300's. I can't get out and walk or anything because I am 48 and after years of obesity, the damage to my knees and back is done. But I do get around alot better and I garden like a crazy person which is pretty good exercise (for a fat person anyone). Make certain that you eat 3 meals a day and don't skip....that has a lot to do with it. I wish you luck....don't worry, it will all come off!!