Home from Thurday's surgery
Can't believe it...I'm on the losers side after waiting soooo long. The acutal day of the surgery was a blur. My husband tells me all these things I did but I don't remember (like get our of the bed in recovery and walk). The nurses at my hospital get an A+ for compassionate care. Yesterday I walked and sipped and sipped and walked. When I got my meals it was so funny. An ounce of broth, an ouce of dc tea and ouce of lemonad and an ounce of sf jello. Just a timy amount of food. Not that I was (or am) hungry. I went down for a UGI yesterday morning for my leak test. The barium was particularly nasty since I hadn't had any food yet.
But I am doing good. Working the program and doing what I am suuposed to be doing. The gas part seems to be taking care of itself thankfully so no problems there.

What wonderful news! I love the part about you getting out of bed and walking...before you were even out of recovery! I can't wait to see your "before" and "after." Continue to do well and keep us posted.
P.S. How lovely you had a family member with you; as a single person with family hundreds of miles away, I'm doing this alone. Scary! I hope I do even half as well as you.