New here and surgery tomrw 2-19-08 Last minute advice? Any asthmatics?
Wow, decided to stop in and check out any last info my Doc hasn't told me but, their office has been great with info... So am just concerned how the surgery and my asthma will pan out... and of course the diet.. dont eat otameal, yougurt or cottage cheese was always a meat n potatoe kind of girl.... Any advice.... thanks to all...
Congrats on your surgery tomorrow! I know you must be filled with mixed emotions. I have asthma too, though mild. They told me to bring my inhaler and I would probably have to take a couple of puffs before they put me under just as a precaution. But then, like I said, my asthma isn't that bad.
I know what you mean about being a meat and potatoes kind of person. I love my steak and potatoes. It may be a while, but I will eat steak again! We just have to take it slow and let out bodies tell us when we are ready.
Good luck and post when you get back to let us know how it went! I am on the 21st so I am just two days after yours.
Well I don't really have asthma but I'm sure if there was any concerns that your doctor had about your asthma and the surgery then he prolly ould of told you for safety and precautions sake. The other thing is I love my steak and potatoes too but I've found that yougart really isn't that bad or at least the one's we're supposed to have (I've always like yougart but the on'es with the most sugar) I've found that if you like strawberries than Dannon Sugar and Card control Strawberries and cream really is good and I eat one container and I'm fully till my next meal. I think you'll do fine tomorrow, if you're like me about getting there you will get into the room and then the next thing you know you're in recovery!

I just want to say...Congratulations on taking this big step with us!!! You will be soooo happy you did. I had my surgery(Lap Band) on Jan 30,2008 and I am done 22 lbs!!! So if I can do it anyone can and you will be a "Loser" with us!! Take Care and let us know how you do with recovery!!! Take Care!