2 Days until I am a loser
You are soooo close. I wi**** were time for mine. I just started my 10 day pre-op liquid diet today so at least my countdown is on. Congrats....you will be on the losers side in just two days. Try to keep your mind occupied if you can. Getting the nervous jitters is probably normal. I am just so excited it's finally going to happen after four years of trying. Pray for fast days for you so Wednesday will be here before you know it.

Oh my gosh I know just how you feel. I see you read my post. Its the exact same feeling. I keep looking for something to do to get my mind off of it. But it is so hard. If you wanna chat I'll be on and off all day til about 6. Thats when my husband gets home and I have to make dinner. But I'll come back about 8 when my baby goes to sleep. I am on Eastern time but the way. =)