Starting on 10 day liquid diet tomorrow
I stocked up today on everything I will be able to eat/drink over the next ten days and boy am I scared about this. I get hungry just thinking about not eating solid food. Has anyone else done this liquid diet and if so, what got you through it? My list of acceptable foods is pretty liberal so that's a positive. My surgery is on the 21st.

I'm starting my 3rd week of the special diet my Dr requires. I've been on high protein shakes & bars only. I have to say, it really hasn't been that hard, although I've craved something salty/savory. My choices for shakes are strawberry, chocolate, vanilla. And the bars are all sweet too. So Friday I asked if I could add chicken broth/boullion and the nurse said yes!! My Dr's goal is to have me be in ketosis at the time of surgery. I do crave food in my mouth (taste mostly) but I really have to say, I'm not hungry. I drink lots of water... more than 64 ounces most days. I am also taking chewable vitamins.
Hang in there... it will be easier about 3 days from now...
I had rny surgury onthe 28th and i was on liquid diet for the first week, my doc told me i could do puree foods. such as baby food, and very watery hot cereals like oatmeal or farina. the oatmeal went down fine no problems. i do want something to eat chew on. Just have to do what the doctor tells me too dont want any problems. i also had cream of chicken soup and pea soup no peices in it just puree only. no chunks of anything to eat. good luck
If you are on a liquid only diet, that should include soups, broths, jello, pudding, yogurt, carnation instant breakfast shakes, slim fas****er, juices etc. I am on that diet right now and man it is hard. But I am also almost done. thank goodness for that. I have 2 more days after today. I go in on Thursday. What has gotten me through it is definitly the creamed soups. I was told to do cream soups. I love the cheese coup and potato soups. They are a life saver. Also for the craveing to chew, I use the hot cocoa packets, empty the powder into a small cup and eat the powder dry, with a spoon. It tastes like pure milk chocolate and kind of curves that craving to chew. I get so sick of drinking everything and this method lets me get substance without drinking. I also asked my surgeon to ok a peice of fruit a day and he said ok. So that helps me alot. Good luck to you and your diet. You'll do great.
hi, hope you are doing ok it is hard dont get me wrong I have had it with the liquid stuff too. My doctor told me anything pureed with no peices, no chunks. I had some oatmeal and also had some cottage cheese with applesauce. It is getting me through this part of the diet. I go friday I dont know if I will have to continue to do the pureed foods or not, but the idea of putting pureed foods into a broth is a good idea.Did u eat the peice of fruit whole or pureed or mashed. I did mash a banana yesterday and today like making it for a baby. It was so good sweet too, I have a sweet tooth. I havent had the carnation drinks,how are they. Do they have sugar free ones. I never ever had one or bought anything like that before this is all new territory for me, eating healthy. I loved my sweets. Any other suggestions I am open for and thanks.
I eat my fruit whole. He never said to mash or puree them and I never asked. OOPS! But what is the difference anyways? I mean they cant tell if it was pureed or not can they. Once its in your stomach its mashed and pureed isnt it?
Anyways, the carnation is ok. They do have a sugarfree one. It taste really good for the first couple of days. But then it gets a kind of nasty after taste after you've been drinking it for so many days.
I wish I could eat pureed foods. I'd put chicken in the blender. I get so hungry it sucks. But I only have one more day after today! Yes!!
Gun, gum, gum lots of gum and water. I have been on the liquid diet for 9 days and after the 3rd day its not so bad. Lots of soup and broth mixed with soup. My Dr. said that I could have anything that would go thru a straw so I got the magic bullet and it has been my friend. Cream of anything with beef or chicken broth is very filling. I lost 20lbs the first week of the diet so it cant be all that bad.