Band, Bleeding Ulcer? Anemic, White blood cells off the chart.
I'm sorry to hear your friend is having problems. My Band surgery date is 2/25. One of the test my Dr ordered was an upper GI. The results came back that there was a possibility that I had polyps in my stomach which the Dr said could be a problem for the band. As a result I had to have a EDG which is when they put a scope down into your stomach. The EDG showed I definitely had polyps which they removed and did a biopsy on. The results of the biopsy showed that I had an infection in my stomach called H Pylori which can lead to ulcers with is another thing that is not good for the band. A prescription was called in that I had to be on for two weeks. The name of the packet was Prevpac one packet contains 8 pills. Two Prevacid, 4 Amoxicillin and 2 Biaxlin. I had to take the dosage twice a day. In the AM and PM. Was an upper GI done on your friend and a EDG if necessary prior to her Banding?