Tiny little issue...
I work in a busy dental office for 20 years. I have told all of my co workers about my surgery...but they want to know what to tell the patients while I am gone. I have never missed work before except when I had my daughter 16 years ago...and patients freak out when I am not there. I suggested to just tell them I am on vacation...which again is strange beccause I never take vacation. The girls here at work don't want to then be put in a weird position lying when people ask where I went on vacation. If they say I am taking some time off at home it sounds as if I went off the deep end or something. Anyhow...they are all stressing out about being asked too many questions and I really don't want to have my surgery be the office topic for years to come. I was just wondering if anyone else is or has been in a simular situation and if so...what should I do? I don't want to lie and deny the surgery...but I also don't want it to be what defines who I am and make it all every single patient that comes in wants to talk about. SUGGESTIONS????
You know, I think I would tell the staff to tell people that you just took some time off for personal reasons. Then you're not lying, but also, people don't have to know all of the details about your life
I was in that situation because I didn't really want all of my patients knowing where I was and what I was doing. (I didn't really want all of their opinions!) Worked o.k. for me!
Hope that helps...

I told my Boss about the surgery and i wish i would have just told her I would be out for medical reasons... with no explanation. Now I feel like its looked at a choice , but I am doing this for my health so I can live a long healthy life. There is no reason for us to explain to the others why we have made this decision.
Best of Luck to you... Your employer is very fortunate to have such a dedicated employee.
Hi Rita, I didn't tell my boss until a week ago. I never mentioned I was even looking into such a thing because I didn't want the negative comments. People that are small and have never struggled with their weight have no concept of what our lives are like. I could not get away with just saying medical reasons...but I wish I could have. I am just going to have them tell people I am going on vacation. They can say they don't know where I am going...I will deal with the aftermath of people prying about my weight loss once I come back. I don't know why people think it's okay to pry into my personal life...but they do! I agree with you...we should not have to justify our decision...it's very personal and it's not like we haven't thought ourselves that maybe we could do this without it...especially during the liquid diet phase!
Good luck to you as well...and thanks for writing.