Next week?!?! ok!
Hey everybody! So last Friday I was told that I would not be scheduled until April at the earliest. Well, on Monday they called me and said they had a cancellation and could *do me* on February 5th! I had to go in and get all of my pre-op stuff handled yesterday, and now have 6 days to prepare. I feel so overwhelmed and I am just like
!!! Anyone else feel this way?

I know *exactly* how you feel. My surgery is in two days, on the 1st, and I just got my date 6 days ago. I'm not sure if these have been the longest 6 days of my life, or if I'm petrified and they're passing too fast!! You're gonna be just fine, and don't worry, you'll get everything all prepared they way it needs to be before it happens. Congrats on your upcoming date!!!

WOW...YOUR going to be just fine. I think when you get the date moving up like you did I finally became real... I had the same problems with my emotions all over. It passess in a day or so. Good luck with your liquid fast. You will do great. I have surgery on the 6th. I will be thinking of you while I am laying in the hospital. You will be on your way home in no time. In my thoughts and prayers.. Good luck shelly1
Thank you all for your kind comments
I think it is SO weird that different doctors have such different rules for pre-op stuff. I can eat whatever I want until the day before surgery, and that day I have the clear liquid diet and laxatives on the menu. Why is it that there is no consistency between surgeons?

Congrats on your scheduled date! Mine is for February 4th. I was all excited last week and now I'm a bundle of nerves.
I'm having the vertigal Sleeve and I too only have to drink clear liquids the day before surgery.
I thought that was a little confusing as to how some people would say it would take 1 week to purify the system and some would say it just takes the day before? Might be the type of surgery? Who knows guess they all have their own opinions.
Good luck!!! Take care.

I know that with my surgeon, he only asks *some* of his patients to do the pre-op liquid diet. I think it all depends on what he thinks your liver is going to look like and how much you've lost pre-op.
In my case, I lost 33 pounds on my pre-op diet, so I don't have to do the liquid diet because my liver should have already shrunk up a lot. But most of the other people in my pre-op class yesterday DID have to do the liquid diet (but some of them have to do it for 2 weeks while others only have to do it for 1 week or 2 days -- it was all individual).