booked in for 20th Feb 2008
Congrats on your upcoming surgery!! I too am full of mixed emotions but everyone I have talked to who has been there and done that said it's quite normal to be on an emotional rollercoaster both before and after. We are facing major surgery and a lot of "what ifs" go through our minds. Then afterward we tend to mourn food and our old selves because they were our shelters so to speak. Hang in there, and my email is always open if you need to talk

OMG thats a long time. I decided to do something in November last year after yet another failed diet and my sister having had lap band done.
In december I booked to see a specialist who booked me in on the 20th Jan 08 for the first consult and from there he booked me in to have my procedure VSG on the 20th Feb. I could'nt imagine how you would be feeling having to wait that long I would have gone nuts by now, and here I am compaining that I have to wait 3 weeks!
I have read thru many posts that in America your insurance companies give you heaps of greif, youd think that they would be happy to come to the party as it would benefit them in the long run after all us overweight people are at fault for the health system all the health problems that we have (so to speak).