23 days post-op
Hello all! I'm 23 days post-op and still not feeling all that great. I am suppose to return to work on Monday. This will be my third attempt, the first two I didn't even make it out the door. And on the BM issue still a no go. I've only been twice since the surgery and that was with help in the hosptial two weeks out and then an fleets last Friday here at home. I've called my doctors office and cried and moaned to them with no effect. They say the same crap everytime. Take stool softner and fleets it will come. Well I can't take the stool softner it's too nasty and I tried to tell them this. I start gagging and then end up barfing it up
. I asked for Miralax and they told me NO. I am really not happy with my doctor's office. To tell the truth I've only seen my surgeon maybe twice since the surgery. I don't really know who it is that I talk to when I call. But I do know I am not happy with them.
On another note is anyone having leg pains? I've been having back spasms so I called my chiropractor yesterday and he did adjust me. But last night and really bad today my hips and legs hurt so bad I wanted to cry. I just sat on the couch and cried. Then walked around the house and cried. I don't know if this is normal, or if it's because I have not had a BM since Friday, or from the adjustment.
And while I'm conplaining I am so sick of water, skim milk, and crystal light!
Isn't there anything else we can drink?
At this point I am so sick of feeling like crap, the food being crap, not being able to crap that I wish I had not had the surgery. Now I'm miserable and still fat. At least before I was just fat. Now I'll have to go back to work Monday and listen to everyone's mouth. I'm just really not happy right now. I want my life back. This one sucks. My doctors suck. And I'm just tired!!!!!
Is there anyone else who feels as bad as me? I'm trying to get back into life for my kids sake, but the nausea just takes over. Then I'm tired. Then I can't poop. And my bodyaches all over. I can't sleep at night. Just a couple of hours during the day. OK I'll shut up now because I'm only getting worse. I hope everyone else is doing much better.
God Bless,

Hi Charlotte,
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard time. I am only 8 days out and I have had a few minor problems but not that bad...although I do have people in my different support groups who talk about things like this and how for the first 6 weeks they felt horrible. It was MAJOR surgery and not everyone bounces back as fast as others. What kinds of foods are you eating now? and as far as the BM's, were they completely normal before the surgery? (I had heard from one person who had minor problems before then they were worse for the first month after)...just a thought.
Anyway, I hope you feel better...I actually went to bed crying last night and I dont even know why...but I am better today...every day is a new day and hopefully tommorow will be better for you.
Thanks for the reply. I know it's just me being a big ol baby. But I'm so tired of feeling this way. I had to take my son to school early this morning for a field trip. I was so sick in the bathroom that he almost missed the bus. So it's not only affecting me it affecting my family too. I'm just ready for it all to calm down. Before the surgery I went to the bathroom just fine. No problems at all. I am on pureed foods. I can eat tuna fish, eggs, cheese, soups, yogurt, chicken, cottage cheese, still doing the CIB. I just feel like crap all the time. I'm ready to get back to life. Yeah I'm doing the crying thing also. But thanks for the incouragement. I'm trying to hang in there.
I'm three weeks out now and i felt the exact same way! I just spent two days in the hospital due to dehydration and nausua and i feel so much better. I just had no energy and was having the most difficult time getting anything down without gagging.
I just wanted to let you know you arent alone in feeling discouraged, but you should make a follow up appointment with your surgeon and keep pushing for some help from the doctors office.
Good Luck
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. As for my doctor's office. I am very disappointed with them. I feel like they really don't care. My next follow up with them isn't till March 21st. I think I've called a total of 5 times to talk about my problems and they are more like robots. Each day is a very small amount better. But I'm just not bouncing back like I would like. Well ready or not it's back to the real world Monday for a 8 hour shift. We went to a banquet for my daughter last night that was about 3 hours long and I was wore out! It's going to be a long week. Anyway thanks for the post it's nice to know that what I'm going through is not totally abnormal. Hope you feel better soon too.
You are TOTALLY not alone!!! I have hesitated posting on this forum until EVERYONE had their surgery so I didn't discourage anyone. I have yet to be happy I had this surgery. I have seen results (with weight loss) - but as you said, food is for crap, when I try something that sounds good my pouch protests
, and the water is all I can tolerate. Crystal light and milk aren't workin' for me. I often ask myself what I have done to me...why I made this choice and wonder when, if ever, I will feel "normal" again. I have to remind myself I did it for my health right??? But I have never felt so sick (constantly tired, unable to eat, not wanting to do anything, depressed). UGH - I could go on... But bottom line - you are not alone my dear. Sometimes I think posting the negative isn't popular on this site, but it is our reality and we have a right to it right???
Feel free to PM me anytime.
Shelley J.

Hi Charlotte,
I am so sorry you are having a hard time of it. I haven't had these problems but see if diluted prune juice is OK for you to try to help with the BM issue.
Have you tried that Special K Protein Water? I think it's fairly new but it tastes great...no artificial sweetner after taste.
As for the pain see if the liquid Tylenol is OK.
I hope this helps, during one of my pre-op counseling sessions, I remember being told that it's common to 'second guess' our decision to have WLS. I did too, even though I haven't had the problems you have had. Hopefully all your issues will get better soon but if it gets to the point where you can't stand it, DEMAND to have a long talk with your Dr.
Charlotte - This is my first post. I was a little nervous because everyone seemed to be having such a positive experience. Well I had my surgery on 02.05.07 and had been sick since I had it. N/V every single day and I couldn't keep anything down (including water). I decided I was crazy for doing this. Finally, I called my surgeon (I had the procedure out of state) on March 2 and ended up being hospitalized for six days and being put on TPN (feeding through IV). Apparently my potassium had dropped so low I was at risk for heart issues. I have gained back almost 10 pounds since the TPN but at least I'm out the hospital. So believe me, you are not alone. Not all of us apparently get the immediate positive results.
Sorry to hear about your trials. I actually didnt have a BM for 2 weeks after surgery. I just thought, well, Im not eating right so theres nothing there. Wrong... needless to say I had a ruff time. I ended up pushing alot of water and using Ducolax. I have continued to use it cuz it seems I have few regular BM's and most of the time I am constipated. I know have bleeding hemroids (sry for that I know its gross) but I bought Fibersure. Its made by Metimucle