First bad day

Danny Riggs
on 2/22/07 11:51 am - Houston, TX
OK.....two and half weeks out and I have had ZERO problems until today. I have been nauseated today unlike anything since surgery on the 5th. I give it an 8 of 10 score!!! Now, I have to admit that my diet has begun to progress very well. I have started to introduce a few things like fish and chicken that are ground well with water as opposed to pureed. Example: Wolf brand chile (Mild - NO BEANS) pulsed a couple times in the blender, grilled cod filet pulsed with no extra liquid added. I have had absolutely zero problems until today. I was woken up by nasuea this morning. Tried sipping some room temp water and did well. That made me realize I was THIRSTY!!!! I have fallen in love with my warm decaf tea and coffee. Can easily get down 6 - 8 oz in about 30 minutes and it feels great! some coffee and yep, felt better. Took my morning protein drink and hit the road for work. Things got progressively worse through today even to the point that the mere thought of eating anything at all made me want to yack!!! Came home from work early, decided I would make a small, warm version of my protein drink. That went down well (about 8 oz and 14g pro) and I again felt better. I have had no solids today and am feeling better now. I have muscular soreness around my ribs and back, but I think that's from staying kinda withdrawn and guarding a lot today. My nausea is lessening now, prolly 4 of 10. I think I may use a little pain medicine (which I have only had a total of 4 doses since getting home) to go to bed and sleep with and see how I do in the morning. Anything similar or any suggestions? I think maybe, I've just been pushing to hard and needed to ease back a little? Am I just whining?????? If so, don't tell my sister cuz she says that's not allowed!
on 2/22/07 12:53 pm - Nebo, KY
Danny, My surgery too was on Feb 5th. I haven't bounced back as good as you. I still haven't returned to work yet. But what I thought was strange is I had sever nausea today. I have it on and off all the time. But today was different. I had muscle spasms around my abdomen and my back. I had layed down because I did not feel well at all. About 1:00 I got up and my mouth was dry. So I took a sip of room temp tea. I went and sit on the couch and felt it coming back up. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. I never got sick, I calmed myself down. But I tried to ground up my nausea meds, I got it ground but was too sick to get it mixed up to take. So I crawled back to bed with a washcloth on my face. I slept for a little while longer. When I got up I was very weak and a little nauseas. My husband got my meds and I felt better. But I still don't know why I was hurting so bad and got so sick so fast. So I guess a long story short tell your sis to get off you case, cause it's normal. I have not pushed myself at all and this still happened. I'm ready to get back to my normal life. Hope you get to feeling better. Charlotte
on 2/23/07 12:33 am - Albany, MN
Well, me too! I mean I had Surgery Feb 2 and have felt great the 3 weeks since. My doc has me still on liquids only (3 cans of boost and 64 oz water each day) so I have not tried ANY food yet. Yesterday for the first time I felt nausea all day and at about 6:30 pm when I started drinking my last can of boost I suddeny god pain in my tummy (or somewhere in there) and my mouth got all watery and I felt a huge urge to throw up. Well while leaning over the toilet trying to hold back I decided to have a bm and then I felt fine. So what is going on withus? ARE we normal??? I have been told it is because of not getting enough water.....I am only able to get about 40 ounces in each day.....I am trying to sip sip sip more more more! I don't want to be sick! Shelley
Mariam T.
on 2/23/07 1:17 pm - Oakley, CA
OK, I only had my surgery 4 days ago but I will tell you that I have been experiencing nausea at about 3 am or late in the evening before dinner...I have finally figured out that my puoch was just too empty for too long because even if I do not think I want to eat, if I eat something small...preferably chicken broth (salty) it goes away. I have now tested this 4 times and it has worked maybe this is going on..?? I am getting ready for bed right now and just told my hubby I would be up around 3 or 4 for my middle of the night snack/pouch refill. I can not eat enough at meals yet and I think my body know it so does not want to wait that long. Just a thought. Mariam
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