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Hugs and prayers. I am so so sorry that you had such pain. I thak you for telling us what is going on. I have just recently started eating crackers. I have never ate bread since surgery. I have tried it but it doesnt taste good to me at all. I have to watch the crackers though as they are a trigger for me and I will eat a whole pack of them in a days time. And then I am constapated the next day. hugs.
Oh poor baby. Reading your post brought back a lot of memories. I remember throwing up my stomach acids for 12 hours in the ER hallway crying and nobody knew what was wrong. That NG tube is horrible, huh? You know that hurricane spray they give you to help with the pain of the NG tube? I had a toxic reaction to it and ended up in the ICU on deaths door. Thank God we are still here to write about these experiences. It just shows you that everyone needs to be pro-active about their health, but with weight loss surgery, we need to be even more on top of things. I am so sorry you went thru this. Email me anytime if you want to talk.
Gi G.
on 3/31/07 3:02 am
on 3/31/07 3:02 am
Topic: RE: Yuck...a big gain...
You're welcome, hon.
I thinking being in therapy has helped me a lot. Not only with the dealing with the dieting and food issues, but a lot of the other issues I had growing up. I was talking to my mom today and we both realize I am way more 'evolved' than she is at dealing with my marriage and emotions. It makes me feel hopeful, like I actually can CHOSE to live happily ever after.
Anyway, I read your profile again the other day, I have just been so super busy to respond sooner.
I wish you all the luck in dealing with your own stuff. I believe in you, the first step is to recognize that you have a problem that you want to work on, and the second is to get help, it sounds like you have the strength and fortitude to do both. I think you are pretty darn awesome yourself!
I hope your feeling better at this point. Actually scar tissue adhesions are one of the side effects of this surgery. I recently had two bout's with this and both resulted in surgery. They were both lap surgeries.
I had no indication of my problem, you state you were in severe pain. Mine had not progressed to that point, but I felt all my pressure in my throat, and eventually couldn't get anything to go down. Ofcourse, mine happened christmas weekend so the day after christmas I called and the dr said it was an emergency. I didn't take him serious, but I got moving. He told me it would have been a few days and I could have had to have a blood transfusion, unbearable pain, etc. So, I was very lucky, I didn't have the severe pain, maybe it would have been better to have the pain because I could have acted quicker.
I hope you have a great recovery. I agree about not waiting, I'm so guilty of it. Next time anything is astray with my surgery areas I'm going to act quickly. This blockage could be fatal.
Hi Natalie, wow thanks for the heads up. I am glad to know you are better now. It sounds pretty scary & painful.
I'm also guilty
of eating bread a little too much...I think I should back off it now. Although I do drink a bit of water but I still should be drinking more. Take care and thanks again for the info & advice.

Hi, guys. I hardly ever go on here anymore, but had something horrible happen to me the past week and felt I should share it as a "heads-up."
I had roux-en-y surgery over a year ago (3/9/06). I did not have any complications until last week. I started getting very bloated and had SEVERE abdominal pain. I thought I caught a nasty stomach virus that was going around. Over the period of 2 hours my pain quickly turned into something unbearable. I couldn't relieve the pain no matter what I tried. I went the the ER screaming in pain (something I would've never done before this incident) and they ran some tests and an X-ray. They told me that I was severely constipated (even though I poop daily). They sent me home with a laxative script and told me I had to bite the bullet until the laxative kicked in to relieve pressure. I was not convinced.
An hour later I started vomitting - horrifically. Every 5-15 min. First with dry heaves, then it was a ton of liquid. I endured the pain, etc. for 9 hours thinking it was all due to being "constipated". I went back to the ER at 5am and suggested further testing be done for an intestinal blockage. Low and behold, that's what the problem was. After 5 days in the hosptial (4 of them with an NG tube down my throat) I was finally released and just got home yesterday. They said the blockage was from adhesions (scar tissue) from the surgery; however, any type of abdominal surgery runs the risk of having adhesions impedeing on your intestines.
So now I have to make sure I slowly increase my fiber intake and drink tons of water. I'm still not feeling well, but should increasingly get better over the next few days. My heart goes out to anyone who has ever experienced anything like this. I never hurt so bad in my life and I had several surgeries to compare the pain to.
MY HUMBLE ADVICE: see your doc immediately if you have any concerns about your health, watch your fiber intake, and drink tha****er. I was slacking on my water intake big time and I was getting too comfortable eating bread out the waa-zoo. Not sure if this might have contributed to the problem, but I don't think it helped. Most importantly, educate yourself on the possible problems folks like us might endure after WLS. When I mentioned an intestinal blockage the doc was shocked and said that sounded like a possibility. We can't expect docs to know everything, right? Especially when it comes to WLS. There are so many people out there that this is new to.
Take Care
Topic: RE: Yuck...a big gain...
Thanks for your thoughtful response GG. Growing up in a house full of women that were SO obsessed with dieting and the numbers on the scale has been a part of my life since I can remember. It is nice to be reminded from time to time to pull my head out of my ass and not think so much about those numbers. I probably won't do the monthly weigh-ins anymore. For YEARS I had a scale that was 8-10 pounds under a doctors, and now that I have a "real" feels silly to participate in a monthly weigh-in. If you look at my profile you'll see I am also trying to work on my brain...which is so difficult. I am proud of you for making a commitment to yourself and to change.
"THIS is the rest of my life, if I don't learn how to deal with MY LIFE without making it about FOOD I've gained nothing but a little time."
These words are so true. AND the most difficult challenge of all.
Thanks again are an awesome girl.
Topic: FYI - Artificial Sweeteners and UTIs
Im not sure if anyone has this problem but since I was a little kid I've been prone to UTIs (urinary tract infections). Anyway, I've been having them a lot lately for no good reason, and I have a friend who is an acupuncturist who suggested I take this stuff that works really WELL! And she just told me also that artificial sweeteners (i.e. crystal lite!) irritate your urethra and to not drink them when you're healing from having a Urinary Tract Infection. Also it's possible that I've been having so many because I drink crystal lite in my water every day! I was so bummed. Anyway, I dont know if any of you are having this problem, but I thought I'd let you know.
Have a great weekend!
Topic: RE: Chest Pain anyone?
Sounds like gallbladder which is very common after RNY.
I was lucky enough to have had my gallbladder out before I had RNY.
It's worth a trip to the dr's office, because gallstones can mimic heart attack pain.