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Gi G.
on 4/4/07 9:25 am
on 4/4/07 9:25 am
Topic: RE: STATS?
Meh, from what I've been reading, lots of folks have a 'stall' or 'plateau' at around a year out. I think the body must just be adjusting, after all, last year at this time we were all still obese!
I know since I didn't have much loss, seeing my stats on the chart this month doesn't feel like it will mean as much, but I don't want to skip it or stop it if it means a lot to other folks.
I can skip this month and hope that Spring brings good things, or if enough people say so, I'll just do it. Lemme know.
Topic: RE: STATS?
Since I had no change (no loss this month -
) I figured I'd wait till you were ready.
I don't know what the problem is, but thank goodness my pool will be open towards the end of this month. That will help me a lot I hope.

Gi G.
on 4/4/07 2:16 am
on 4/4/07 2:16 am
Topic: RE: STATS?
Ooooh, I hope your birthday trip was wonderful. Happy and healthy birthday to you!
I guess 'care' was too strong a word. I just thought since no one else seemed to notice, and you're right about the board being dead, perhaps our minds are all elsewhere? I wonder if the STAT chart has outlived it's usefulness?
Me, I have a hernia repair coming up, probably in about a month. I am waiting on insurance approval to see exactly what will be done, but hopefully my panni will be removed with a bit of a TT, and my boobs lifted [no implants, they are big enough!]. I am working PT now, sometimes 6 days a week, and it seems to have kicked my mind into dumb blonde overdrive [well, I'd like to blame it on blonde, but it's from a bottle of Sun-In;)]. My mind seems to escape me on a regular basis now.
I think I had less than a 4 pound loss this month, I'd really have to go back and look at the chart, but I'm hovering around 161-163. I have lost more inches, and honestly as much as I have really good eating days, I have some not so good ones, so I see every reason for the slow down. I am not super worried, as long as I don't gain before surgery the doc and I will be happy. I make sure I don't gain, so like I said, I'm not worried.
So I was just thinking maybe we don't need or want monthly STATS now? I imagine we all DO CARE, just maybe are focusing on LIFE now?
Topic: RE: STATS?
I care! I had been out of town for my b-day and just got home yesterday. Have you noticed how dead the board has got since we are all further out?
Topic: Happy Belated b-day Elisa!
I was out of town yesterday and couldn't get online to post this. So, happy belated b-day to my surgery twin!
Topic: HaPpY BiRtHdAy TeRrI!!!
Happy Birthday Terri! I hope you had a wonderful day. I know I did