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Topic: RE: STATS coming soon MAY OK?
I am with everyone on this one. I understand that you are busy...we are all busy, especially this time of year. Thanks for keeping up with it for us for so long. Every other month would be fine for me too or even quarterly perhaps. Whatever ya'll decide is good for me. Thanks again!
Gi G.
on 4/9/07 4:56 am
on 4/9/07 4:56 am
Topic: RE: Daily ass kicking ?
I am too moody and busy lately to get here every day. Heck, I still can't believe I forgot the STATS. Anyway, of course, I will always be here to root you on!
Topic: RE: STATS coming soon MAY OK?
Every other month would be fine with me. Since the weight loss has slowed, it might work out better any way. I've stopped taking monthly pictures. I think every other month might work out ok.
Topic: Daily ass kicking ?
Would anyone be interesting in doing some kinda daily "ass kicking"/motivational/etc. post ? I really don't have the time but at the same time I don't have the time to gain back this weight and go back on medications and be even more miserable. There are so many times when we first had our surgery that I looked forward to all those daily posts and miss them now. Let me know if anyone is interested and we can get something going...

Topic: RE: I did it!!! I did it!!!
YEAH! I told that I thought you might not be eating enough. I'm glad I could help. Now, keep exercising and tracking your food. You'll do just fine!
Topic: RE: :wave: Hey guys!
It sounds so terrible to say that I am happy that you are having a rough time but I am glad that I am not the only one ! Life has been crazy lately and I am going back to old bad habits and I hate it ! I have just honestly gotten back into being good about not eating and drinking at the same time. Things had been so bad that I was just grabbing anything and everything. I have been trying to pay attention to what is going into my mouth and have made the committment that I will make better choices. Instead of eating a huge bowl of ice cream I will eat one serving. So I just have to keep on myself.
Hugs to you Elisa... Hang in there... We both know that when push comes to shove we have made it thru so much, and we will get thru this too (okokok it was really easy to type that, wishing it was that easy to make it so... ) We just gotta "get ir done!"
- Terri

Topic: RE: STATS coming soon MAY OK?
I can only hope that next month will be better... Life has been horrible and so has my weight loss... I, to be honest couldn't handle a month of no change again... Maybe every other month wouldn't be such a bad thing... Thanks for all that you do...

Topic: RE: I did it!!! I did it!!!

So happy for you ! Congratulations, keep up the awesome work ! So proud of you...
