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Topic: RE: STATS coming soon MAY OK?
That Sounds fine, Thanks so much for doing this Grouchetta. We all love you too. Take care.

Topic: RE: Daily ass kicking ?
I refrain from all violence, unless it involves my husband I like to give him a good swiff kick every now and then. It keeps him in line. lol Hugs... You just need to get back to basics for awhile. email me at [email protected] and I will see if I can help.
Topic: RE: :wave: Hey guys!
Okay-wow! I just read that post and the replies...a lot of those ladies are 3 plus years out and it scares me to have these issues now. Elisa..I know how you feel girl. I can give you the standard responses
*go back to basics-GAWD this one bugs me for some
*buy the books "How Much Does Your Soul Weigh, and "Life is Hard, Food is Easy." I have them both and haven't touched them.
*Drink your water, eat your protein first, exercise..."
*Don't graaazzzzeeee..."
But I know these things and you know these things....
I'll tell you I got down to 126 on a doctors scale, and now I am about sucks, it's scary and I hate it. The "tool" works though...if I "watch it" just a little I lose FAST, I gain fast and lose fast....hmmmmmmmmmmm are not alone in this fight Elisa...and I think just knowing that makes these struggles easier to cope with. GG said that if we don't change how we think and feel about food and eating we are just buying time....that really stuck with me.
Doing it...putting it in action is the hard the other BB was talking about it is such a cycle...there are just so many ways to "eat around" our what she was talking about with the "after I eat I wait for everything to process, then eat again." I have done this before and that's a sure ticket to weigh gain. We are one year old babies with this new tummy...we are learning and will continue to learn for the rest of our time on this planet. Hopefully we can learn to make it not such a focus. We have a lifetime of bad eating habits to change...we can't expect to change it overnight. Like any addiction it is something we will always have and always struggle with. We can do this! Others just like us have done it!
Topic: RE: Daily ass kicking ?
Hello Terri
Yeah I would be interested. Let me know what you have in mind. Thanks!

Topic: RE: Weightloss and Birth Control
Hi I am 9 month post op and I have lost 100 pounds, I have been on bc for the past few months and just started having trouble with breakthough bleeding and my ob/gyn said she is worried I may not be digesting the pill since my surgery and put me on the nuvaring today. Has anyone else everheard anything about bc pills not digesting completely i take my vitamins everyday and they are horse pills, I guess they digest. does anyone have any ideas..
Topic: RE: STATS coming soon MAY OK?
...... and here I was feeling bad that I forgot to give you my weight.....
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's fuddle brained at the moment.
I hope everything is well with all of you!