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Topic: RE: Question for the week...
I can't think of any regrets or changes either. I've pushed the limits to see what I can eat. But, I can eat a lot more calorie wise because I exercise so much. The only thing I can really think of is that I wish someone had warned me early on about the importance of fiber. I would have saved myself a lot of heart ache and pain from constipation!
Topic: RE: Question for the week...
Hey Terri,
I honestly don't think I would have done anything differently....maybe I "could" have pushed a bit harder in some of the months, or started exercising more regularly early on...but to be honest, I'm doing ok...and I've lost a lot of why look back with any seems kind of self defeating.
Topic: RE: Question for the week...
I wish I would have exercised and stuck with it. Once I was back to work and suffering in back pain I ditched everything physically realted and went to the getting through the day syndrome.
I also wish I would have explored the side effects a little better too. I just cannot understand why I didn't realize how dangerous things could have been before I had complications. Oh well. I cannot change anything now.
Topic: Question for the week...
Most of us will tell you that we would do this whole process over again in a heartbeat when asked. But, what is the one thing that you have done since your surgery date that has been WLS related that you would not do again "if only you knew?"
Me, I would have never tested the water with "no-no's" If I had never tasted that first piece of chocolate and not gotten sick I would have truly believed that I would turn all shades of green as I got ready to heave my stomach contents. But NOOOOOOO the first little bite didn't get me sick no less turn me any various shade of green. Hmmmm I ate a miniature and was fine... What if I eat half a candy bar ?? Nope... How about a whole candy bar... No green shades !! UUURgh !! May be it is good to know that I can have a "no-no" from time to time but maybe I shouldn't have discovered that til I got to goal... Hmmm maybe 5 years out would have been a better time...
What do you wish that you hadn't done ?

Topic: RE: STATS?
Sorry I forgot about this. My weight is 225lbs as of 4-1-07. However, it is slightly lower now, by a couple of lbs, but I will save that for next weigh in. lol
Topic: RE: :wave: Hey guys!
BTW-YOU talked about LOOK like a size 8 or 10!!! You are looking sooooo frick'in cute girl. You were cute before, now you are just a hottie! I know it's how you FEEL though...hang in there.
Topic: RE: NEW PICS POSTED'd never even think you had this look so pretty!
Topic: RE: I posted new pics!!
Aren't you just a cutie patootie! I love the overalls too! I had a pair of blue cord overalls with winnie the pooh and I was heart broken when they got too big. I only got to wear them about 4 or 5 times. I gave them to my daughter and made her promise to take care of them. She thought I was so strange. I just got a new pair of demin overalls at the GAP for $5. They were on sale. I love them!
BTW guys obstructions have nothing to do with crackers and bread. That's what my surgeon said.