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Gi G.
on 4/18/07 1:46 pm
on 4/18/07 1:46 pm
Topic: RE: Anyone replace eating with drinking?
I enjoy a glass of wine almost daily, from about the year mark. I don't do it as a replacement for eating, just because I like it.
I actually drink LESS than before surgery because back then I drank [liquor] in excess nightly to escape the depression. I can actually say that my depression is GONE for the first time in, oh, 20 years or so.
I'm not worried about the alcohol except for the fact that it has probably slowed my weight loss down a bit. And the mellow feeling I get while drinking does tend to give me the munchies.
I'm very, very happy with the moderation in all things I have in my life now, so honestly, if I never lost another pound but continued to enjoy food and wine like I do now, I'm OK with that. Of course, I don't want to gain, either, so that'd probably be the first to go if I was.
I'm also sure that I'm at a risk for transfer of addictions more so because I was bulimic, but that's why I started therapy before surgery and have kept up with it. There have been recent stresses in my life that sometimes make me long for the days I could binge on FOOD, it's a battle I still work on daily. I don't know if I have found the perfect healthy replacement behavior for eating, but if anything, it's drinking WATER LOL.
EeeVee, are you worried about this transfer of compulsive behavior for yourself?
Topic: RE: Anyone replace eating with drinking?
I don't drink alcohol. I used to when I was younger. I have a lot about addiction transfer. It seems to happen quite a bit.
Topic: RE: Anyone replace eating with drinking?
I don't think I drink any more than pre-op-but it DOES effect me differently.
Topic: Video blog
Just wanted to share this video blog from a fellow OHer...made me a little teary eyed.

Topic: RE: Anyone replace eating with drinking?
I haven't but I do see how easy it could be to do it. The last time I got drunk was New Year's Eve and I had so much fun...
but I don't want to be an alcoholic so I try to stay away. That's all I need to struggle with a drinking problem.

Topic: RE: Anyone replace eating with drinking?
ooops I spelled alcohol(sp) wrong, and I'm not even drinking, I hope I spelled it right the second time

Topic: Anyone replace eating with drinking?
I'm curious as to how many people drink alcolhol more now after surgery?
Hi everyone, I come to you with a humble heart asking that you would help me and help those with asthma by sponsoring me in the Philadelphia Walk against Asthma which will be taking place on May 7, 2007. This will be my first walk period and I am really excited because this will be my first walk post-op. All donations are welcomed, big or small, every cent counts! You can click on the link to my personal donation site and make a donation there or you can mail donations to:
Kimberly Hill
1142 Markley St
Norristown, PA 19401-3231
Checks to be made payable to American Lung Association
Thanks in advance for your help!!!
Here is the link:
If you can't access is that way, click on sponsor a walker on the left menu bar and type in my name
first name: kimberly
Last name: h
and it will come up Norristown, PA