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Topic: Cheesy One-Liners/Come Ons
Kayla mentioned something so true on another post about men all of a sudden giving us ex-MOs attention. So I'm just curious to know what cheesy one liners or come ons have you gotten from strangers trying to pick up on you.
I dont' have many to write about maybe just one that happened a few weeks ago. I was at a casino with my grandparents and parents. I went to get a coffee from the drink station and there was this man there. He was very short (shorter than me) and I noticed he was there getting his drink...he was actually in my way. When I approached he moved outta the way and I felt him standing around me. Then I moved over cause I thought I was getting in his way and that's when he turns to me and says in spanish: "Tienes ganas de ganar esta noche?" huh? Translation: "Do you feel like winning tonight?"
I looked at him and he had this goofy smile on his face...ok who am I kidding he had a goofy/freaky face. I just kinda grinned
and left. I thought it was so kinda funny.
So thats one...what are yours? I wanna hear from all men/women. I know men get them too...don't be shy.

Topic: RE: :wave: Hey guys!
Kayla, thank you for this response. Yes I've heard them all too...don't graze, etc. etc.
So much easier said then done.
And it's not that I don't want to do it, it's just HARD. I really like what GG told you though. That is soooo true! Although I do think my thoughts about food have changed...for example, today my friend and I were driving to lunch when we saw a Doritos truck pass by and the motto was something like "food that's fun" or something like that...and I thought and said to my friend...yeah that's how you gain weight by eating for fun.
But you are right, the key is to "watch it"...I don't know what I'm doing right but I have managed to lose 2 more pounds. I'm down to 173 but as fast as it's gone, the two pounds can come back. I go up and down....but I think eventually my weight will go down and as long as it is going down and not up I'm not too worried.
I have hope though. I am glad for the tool because it makes me feel a little more confident that I can do this. I can lose more weight and get to goal and maintain. It's just scary because I can think it and want it but I don't know what the future holds. I guess I just need to take it a day at a time.
Thanks for the compliment...I am amazed that you think I look like an 8/10 when I'm really a 16. Ah well, I have to admit I do look good
. I have been getting a few extra compliments from peeps. Which reminds me...I want to start a post...I got an idea from something you posted earlier.

Topic: RE: :wave: Hey guys!
Thank you Terri! That post was really helpful. I am very glad I am not alone and that I can come here to OH and talk to people that are going through the same situation.
I apologize for not replying sooner. I totally forgot to reply to you and Kayla.

Topic: RE: May 26th-Long Beach, CA Anyone?
Hi Everybody!
Like Elisa mentioned I am flying from Atlanta to LA (actually Burbank) to visit friends and I want to meet my West Coast WLS friends while I'm there( or any other WLS friends that can come). So Elisa.... how far is Long Beach from Burbank? I plan to rent a car. I can't wait!!!!
California Dreaming.....

Topic: Weight Goal Achieved
Today I met my weight goal of 195 pounds. As of today I have lost 170 pounds. I am now going to reevaulate my goal and continue to what my doctor said I could reach of 175 pounds.
Topic: RE: :wave: Hey guys!
awww...I didn't get these messages. That's what I get for relying on emails. LOL
I'ma go right now (meeting a friend for lunch) but when I get back I'm going to re-read and answer. Thanks Kayla your such a sweetheart.

Topic: RE: Where is everyone?
I still check this BB every day! I know that I post on the main BB if I have a question because then I know I'll get some response rather than on you may have to wait a WEEK...and still never get one!!!...LOL.
I am between 130-140 ON A DOC'S scale...AWESOME! Sometimes I really struggle to keep it under 140 because I have always been able to eat anything and my portions are larger than other post-ops...I am still in a size 4/6...and I still can't believe it! I think most men really are pigs...not you Scottie. Because guys that never would've given me a second look when I was MO are now opening doors for me and asking me if I am married...and so kinda ****** me off! I used to dream od weighing 155, 165, even I still can't believe this. I feel great, but I still have some serious health issues, hopefully it'll all turn out well and I won't need surgery AGAIN...the third time in less than two years...YUCK!
Love ya'll!
Topic: RE: Where is everyone?
Elisa you will get in the 150's I know it!
Did you read my reply to your post a while back?