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Gi G.
on 5/19/07 9:17 am
on 5/19/07 9:17 am
Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
Thanks, Terri. I look forward to being able to weight train, take a yoga class maybe pilates. I think I would certainly need a trainer for a while because I don't have a clue how to get started, I wish you were local!
The gym and the Y here are very, very expensive, though, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford a membership soon [not to mention I have to wait for clearance, right now I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than a phone book]. I may ask for it for my birthday in September. I think there are some free yoga classes at the Nature Center, I am planning on looking into that as soon as I have clearance. Besides walking, I really have no idea how to start a home program. My mom lent me her Total Gym back before I had DD, and I would get discouraged because I never felt coordinated enough to do anything correctly. I really hope I'm not just the kind of person who is too much of a spaz to ever do something un spaz like.
After I start doing the treadmill regularly I like it, but then eventually it always gets to the point where it is a chore, no matter how good I'll feel when it's done, I don't want to DO it. I'm not sure if it's just the monotony, or if I'm just defective and lazy. Like I said, there are some things I'd like to at least try, so I can see if I enjoy it, I just haven't felt able to [size wise, panni and boob wise] till now.
Anyway, I'm scared, because once I am cleared, and I finally have the opportunity to exercise like a thin person, I still won't be good at it. Sigh. No use complaining till the time comes. Wish me luck!
Gi G.
on 5/19/07 9:04 am
on 5/19/07 9:04 am
Topic: RE: Long time, No post...
Hi Patrice, good to see you!
I think this is coming up on a very dangerous time for us February 06ers. I have stuck in my head that at 18 months the 'honeymoon' will be over, so if we don't get our eating under control and our exercise up, we will no only stop losing, but we'll start gaining.
I think the winter months are naturally a time to slow down and with spring and summer we'll have another boost in losing. This is our chance to really solidify good habits; to stop and smell the roses *before* we snack, to make sure we are following the 'rules.'
I think I have an advantage of having had some PS and really really really not wanting to screw up now. But I think we all can use a good look at our selves, where we are, where we want to end up. I am finally starting to see a thinner person, I'm going to do every single thing I can to stay that way. And I think I will always have to fight for it more than someone who's never been MO, but like I have said before and will say again, we're worth it!
Get to the gym, just go, and if you're going to snack, load up the house with healthy stuff [which I find is much harder to pig out on, anyway].
Good luck.
Topic: RE: Long time, No post...
Hi Patrice...yup sounds about right...I'm doing the same, except I'm not a size 8...still a 16
I can't yell or curse at're too sweet and I have no room to talk. Hopefully we can find a way to get back on track. It takes time. Just think of all the good things about having lost all this weight and think about all the things you don't want to go back to being MO. It kinda helps me realize how far I've come and reminds me that I want to stay a size 16 (or smaller).

Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
Thanks for sharing Kayla.
I think I eat about the same...some days...I guess it just depends. I think I crave the most junk food when it's that certain time of the month. Does that happen to you too?
I ate some flaming hot cheetos about a month ago and it kinda hurt my belly, it made some really loud noises. So I try and stay away from those. I like the cheese sticks from Jack...and one egg roll...either or not both.

Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
We're still in the honeymoon period?
I thought that was only the first 6 months.
Sarah, I think your eating isn't bad at all. I was eating like that 4-5 months ago and I thought it was pretty healthy.
Noooowwww....I eat a little too much junk. I think it has a lot to do with that certain time of the month. Because when I posted this I was about to start and thats when I crave the junk and I give in to it. Does that also happen to you?
But I agree with ya, we do need to get into the swing of things.

Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
Sugar Free Pineapple Upside down cake...sounds delicious. How was it?
Wanna share the recipe?
THanks for the reply...I think you eat pretty healthy still.

Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
Terri, that is sooo good how you turned your hubby onto healthier snacks.
I think you should "sit" us down too and post about this.
Give us tips and ideas on whats good to snack on or what you have found to be a good snack.
I know it may be time consuming but maybe (pretty please) when you get a chance?

Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
Kayla - try eating some protein based snacks between meals. I have my husband eating protein bars and fruit as snacks. He used to come home from work like an angry old bear looking for something to eat because he was starving. Since I've been packing his lunch and including good snacks, he's not starving when he gets home. At first he accused me of trying to fatten him up. He said I was giving him too much food. I sat him down and educated him on calorie count in fruits. I pointed out that protien bar had less calories than all the junk he was eating out of the snack machine at work. You can eat an entire POUND of strawberries for under 200 calories. I've been sneaking more whole grains and protein into his meals. I bought frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. I bought no sugar added apple pie. We still get our treats. I've just trained us to make healthier decisions.
You can do this! Look how far you've come! Be strong. Do this for YOU! Go buy the heathy snacks and make the whole family eat them. They may grumble at first. But, you love them enough to be strong and make sure they all eat heathier. You might just surprise yourself and find your body REALLY does want the fruits and healthy snacks. (hugs)
Topic: RE: Troubled about FOOD
Terri-I couldn't agree with you more. I have to tell you that you've been an inspiration to me, in so many ways. I have been thru counseling...pre-op and a bit post-op...reading books on emotional eating...I guess it's like any addiction. I have to want to change. But I KNOW...I never want to feel that total desperation I felt when I was MO. It's very interesting that you mentioned the 6 meals thing. I've ALWAYS let myself get too hungry. I still do eat 3-4 meals a day-usually 3...but I am I am not even thinking. I am so focused on taking care of my kids, work, my house, hubbie...I forget to take care of me...I KNOW I can do it because the months following surgery I followed everything to the letter. Anyways...I love ya for being strong and proving this can be done.