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This forum hardly gets any traffic, CONGRATS..what an awesome accomplishment.
Ok I know that I ought to be shot for not updating since WLS very often that is, But here goes. When I first started this journey I weighed in at almost 550 pounds. Here is is almost 3 years later (Feb 27 will be 3 years) and now weigh 179 pounds. I have an AWESOME job as the Web Developer for the City of Meridian Mississippi which is where I have moved too. I am about to be married (Dec 6) to the best man I know. My previous BMI was 94.4 today my BMI is 29.8. According to the charts I am still over weight but where I came from I am proud of 29.8 ! ! !
Huggs, Joyce
Topic: RE: I'm Back
I was in the neighborhood and thought I would drop in to say hello. My wife and I are now settled in here at Panama City, Florida. I left a nine year career to come to Florida for what I thought was a great opportunity in my field, but just short of being here a year Florida has budget problems and lays off 46 state prison chaplains. However, the Warden gives me a choice of unemployment or becoming a correctional officer and getting a pay raise and doubling my retirement plan. So now I am in their 13 week Correctional Officers Academy which isn't easy seeing that I am the oldest person there at 57 years old. I am holding my own with my weight, but it is not easy there either. Just thought I would let everyone know how things are going on my end. I really do appreciate this forum and all the help everyone has been to me throughout my journey. God bless.
Topic: RE: Pain for the past year and a half
I don't have an answer for you except to say that you need to find another bariatric surgeon. Obviously there is something wrong, an dobviously it is not being addressed.
There are many things that can cause pain, you may have a ulcer in your blind stomach (the only way to Dx that is by a catscan with contrast), you could have some type of stricture, possibly some type of internal adhesion, scar tissue, and the list can go on and on.
If the pain is increasing, and not getting better, then the next step after the cat scan would likely be some type of exploratory surgery. Sometimes they just can't see it all on film and have to go in and look.
Again, I'm sorry you are having this issue, but the reality is that your surgeon has let it go too far and you need to find someone else to help fix you up. If you lived in NY, I'd send you to my surgeon, he's one of the best revision surgeons on the east cost. I'm not sure who would be a top revision surgeon in La, but if you have to travel out of state, do it, find someone who will fix you. Things can go from bad to worse very very very quickly.
Topic: Pain for the past year and a half
Hello all, I really dont post much due to being a busy mom and wife and volunteer and the list goes on and on. I had gastric bypass in Nov 2006. Around Feb or so I started have pain right under my rib cage which is where my pouch is. I went back to see my doc and he tested me for H polori it was positive so I had to take alot of antibiotics and that got cleared. Well needless to say the pain never went away it just kept getting worse and worse. The doc put me on every proton pump inhibitor on the market and antiacid. Well to make a long story short the pain just keeps getting worse my chest hurts and stomach hurts 24/7. I am on calcium channel blockers for chest pain, and other meds. I went to a GI doc who ran all sorts of test and he found out I now have Hiatal Hernia and Esophigeal spasms. I have been to countless docs and it seems no one really know how to treat me. In the mean time I am in alot of pain and on tons of meds. I have insomnia and i dont know what to do. Is there anyone out there who know why I might be have this pain or what to do. I need help and I need it very soon.

Topic: RE: No Heartbeat
I just read your post,and i know its been a couple of months ago. i am very sorry for your loss. I lost a baby many many years ago. its a very hard thing to cope with. Sometimes people don't understand, sometimes its a good thing to plant a tree or something, to help with your grief. Again i am very sorry
Topic: RE: Hey, Ladies & Gents!
Hey Jenn, It's good to hear from you.....I haven't been online since Feb, but I hope everyone is doing good, I've gained a little but I'm hoping to lose it. And get back on Track. Take care of Yourself!
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgery Information
Everything went great!!! I had a breast lift and tummy tuck. I had my surgery in Dec. I healed very well. The pain was not as bad as I thought it would be. I did have 4 drains - those sucked and they were uncomfortable, but all in all they were not painful. I slept in a recliner for about 5 days, after that I was back in my bed. The recovery as far as getting all my energy back took about 2 months - but that is to be expected. If you have any other specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgery Information
Hi Stacy,
I was wondering how your plastic surgery went? I am considering it, but am scared. I would appreciate any advice or guidance you are willing to give.
Thank you,