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Gi G.
on 6/11/07 4:27 am
on 6/11/07 4:27 am
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
I don't know why you'd think any of I'd 'beat you up', I don't believe any of us are perfect here, CERATINLY NOT ME.
I am happy to hear that you are taking your physical ailments as a sign that you are not being nice to your body. The important thing to remember is you can recover from your mistakes. And I do believe that when you are nice to your body, you WILL feel better, physically and mentally.
I read somewhere that kidney stones post WLS are very related to not getting in enough fluids. I think as long as it's fluids, it's all good, it does NOT have to be plain water. 64 of my fluid ounces are water mixed with protein. The other 40 or so ounces varies between water with 4C energy rush drink mix, light limeade halved with water, or regular water.
You said you feel anxious and depressed, and I think it could be related to your diet [sugar, caffeine, carbs, occasional alcohol] but it could be LIFE. Have you talked to your doctor about it? I don't know what I would do without my anxiety meds.
Anyway, I wish you luck with turning things around!
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
Thanks for the post GG!
Well, I don't whine, but I have been non-compliant. I can eat almost anything, and I started feeling like maybe I would be fine without the magic three quota of water, vitamins, and protein, if I just ate normally. Then I realized I don't eat normally. My intake has too many carbs and sugar, not enough protein, almost no water, and no vitamins. Please don't beat me up, I'm confessing here. I realized yesterday morning I was having a bad backache, and dark urine. I remembered last year having this same problem from July to September. I thought I had a bladder infection and ended up in the ER with kidney stones. I am going to turn myself around today. Instead of coffee this morning I am drinking white lavender tea made with distilled water. I am going to try and drink a water based beverage every two hours. I will try to drink plain water as well, but I have difficulty keeping that down for some reason. I will take my vitamins again starting today, and go to the store and buy cottage cheese to have every morning, it has as much protein as a shake, and I enjoy that. I will also start walking tonight as well. I have felt anxious, and a little depressed, sometimes and the walking will help. I have had too much sugar, caffeine, carbs, and occasional alcohol, and I know my body deserves better. I haven't lost for 6 mos., and I fluctuate 5 or so pounds up and down. I feel the glycemic factor is returning because my waist has expanded. My pounds didn't go up much, but my clothing size has. I started to feel like I was stuck. I realize that the caffeine and sugar have been helping me with my fatique, and actilng as a mood elevator. I know the transition off is going to be a challenge, so i am going to taper so as not to start major migraines. The lavener tea is my beginning, it has a small amount of caffeine in the white tea part. I agree we have to be good examples. Thanks for reminding me of my bigger purpose. I will check in for support on the board while I transition. Thanks for your support.
Gi G.
on 6/10/07 1:10 am
on 6/10/07 1:10 am
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
Sadly, I think the 'it wasn't my fault' whine has become a big part of our culture.
I remember waiting for approval for this surgery and being told I may NEVER be able to tolerate pizza or bagels or soda again, and being willing to PROMISE anything just to have this new chance at life.
How easily some folks forget that.
Gi G.
on 6/10/07 1:08 am
on 6/10/07 1:08 am
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
Hi Elisa. Lei has given permission for it to be reposted [I have it on my profile, too], you just have to do it the same way I did; start by saying it's reposted with the author's permission and end with her credits.
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
I love this post. It applies to everything in life not just WLS. I hate it when people whine about not wanting to drink their water or how much they dislike protein. I just wanna say "Suck it up! You're an adult damn it!"
I work for a LARGE nationwide insurance company. I get tired of people whining at work too. It's NEVER their fault that they had an accident. It's always "Well, they should have seen I was backing up and stopped" or "I parked in the middle of the only two spaces in the parking lot so nobody would bang my car with their door. Can you believe they keyed my car?" WELL DUH!
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
Aww thanks GG! Do you think I could copy the post and put it on my profile? I want to keep it as a reminder and read it everytime I update my page...which I do monthly. Thanks!

Gi G.
on 6/8/07 2:53 pm
on 6/8/07 2:53 pm
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
I'm not that smart, LUCKILY, I have some smart friends who share well with others.
I'll never forget where I came from, how I got here and where I want to be.
Thanks to ~Leilani~ I will continue to feel inspired and supported to be all that I can be!
Gi G.
on 6/8/07 2:46 pm
on 6/8/07 2:46 pm
Topic: RE: Sage Advice for ALL OF US
E - I was reading some of your profile entries the other night and I thought of this for you especially. YOU can BE anything you WANT to be. You are worth it! xosm