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Topic: RE: 6 month pic down 84#
You look great!! Its a wonderful feeling isnt it??
I had my surgery a day before you!!!

Topic: RE: 6 month pic down 84#
you look great!!! we had surgery the same day!!! *high five*
i went from 296lbs and i now weigh 205. i lost 91lbs....
size 14
anyways u look great!!!!!
Topic: OT... Political Science for Dummies
I recently received this interesting email at work. I liked it, but as you
read to the end, you'll see that I thought something was left out, so I added
it on:
Global Political Science for Dummies
You have two cows
Your neighbor has none
You feel guilty for being successful
Barbara Streisand sings to you
You have two cows
Your neighbor has none
You have two cows
The government seizes both and provides you with milk
You wait in line for hours to get it
It is expensive and sour
Bureaucracy, American Style
You have two cows
Under the new farm program the government pays you
To shoot one cow and milk the other
Then pours the milk down the drain
American Corporation
You have two cows
Your sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the second one
You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised
when one dies
You spin an announcement to analysts stating you have downsized in order to
reduce expenses. Your stock goes up
French Corporation
You have two cows
Your go on strike because you want three cows
You go to lunch and drink wine
Life is good
Japanese Corporation
You have two cows
Your redesign them to be one tenth the size and producing 20 times the milk of
an ordinary cow
You teach them to travel on unbelievably crowded trains
Most of them are at the top of their class at cow school
German Corporation
You have two cows
Your engineer them to be blond, drink lots of beer
Give excellent quality milk, and run 100mph
Unfortunately they demand 13 weeks of vacation a year
Italian Corporation
You have two cows
You don't know where they are, so you wander around looking for them
You see a beautiful woman and break for lunch
Life is good
Taliban Corporation
You have two cows, which are all the cows in Afghanistan
You don't milk them because you can't touch another creature's private parts
You get a $40 million grant from the US government to find alternatives for milk
You buy lots of weapons with your $40 million
Iraqi Corporation
You have two cows
They go into hiding
They send radio tapes of their mooing
Florida Corporation
You have two cows, a black one and a brown one
Everyone votes for the best looking one
Some people who like the brown one accidentally vote for the black one
Some people vote for both, some vote for neither, some can't figure out how to
vote at all
Finally a bunch of guys from out of state tell you which one was the best
California Corporation
You have two million cows
They make real California cheese
Only five speak English, and most are illegal cows
Arnold likes the ones with big udders
I emailed my friend back telling her how much I liked the above, but that one
state corporation had been left out (what made it even better is she's from
Texas Corporation
You have two presidents
They can't count how many cows and don't care
They send one cow to Iraq and one to Afghanistan
Both are declared enemy combatants and held without trial
You announce you're thinking of shooting an Iranian cow
Your family oil stock goes up 150%
Everyone feels so much safer now
Great job! I'm a little over 6 months out. I'm into a 14 and sometimes a 12. I even have one skirt size 10 but I think it's just cut big. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I actually enjoy working out. Go figure.
The condo I live in is being painted. The day before yesterday, I had to ask the painter to remove the paper from the door so I could get in at lunch time. He was very polite. As I was walking through my hall upstairs a few minutes later I heard him ask another painter "Did you get a load of that cute little redhead?" My first thought was to look out the window to see the redhead. Then, I thought maybe he might have been talking about me. No way! Yesterday, when I went home for lunch, the same painter already had the paper off the door. He held the screen open for me and told me "Be careful there hun. We don't want you getting paint on that pretty skirt." And then he winked at me. I was floored. I wonder what will happen at lunch time today! LOL