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Topic: RE: Endoscopy, stricture
I had a stricture at about three weeks post op. It felt exactly as you describe. I was not put out for the endoscopy. They gave me meds in my IV to make me loopy enough not to care that they were jammin a tube down my throat!! It didnt hurt. May have been a tiny bit uncomfortable but not painful. They were done in liek 10 minutes adn the relief I felt from the chest pressure was immediate and it felt sooo good!!
Good luck and its easy as pie to fix so dont stress over it. I waited 2 weeks before calling my doc and telling him uncomfortable I was. That was dumb, but I was scared!! I have not had to go back thankfully, but I know if I do it is truly an easy thing to fix...........well mine was anyway!
Topic: RE: Endoscopy, stricture
Thanks Gosh,
I dont know if I have a stricture or not. The doc didnt say when i called. I just know it hurts to eat and drink. I havent thrown up at all. It feels like a pressure building up is that what a stricture feels like?
Topic: RE: I lost 102 lbs!
CONGRATS... That is so awesome... Not only the century mark but also so dang close to Onederland ! Keep up the amazing work !
-Terri C

Topic: RE: Endoscopy, stricture
Hello Rie Rie,
I had to have my stricture dialated twice. They put you out for the EGD. The "worse" thing that happens, and it's really not so bad, is your voice is VERY silghtly hoarce for 24 hours. No big deal.
With my stricture I had a lot of side and back pain and anything that wasn't liquidy came back up. The first time they dialated my I was a 6 and the second time a 10. I don't remember the unit of measurement, but we're supposed to be between 13 & 15.
Topic: Endoscopy, stricture
I have been having a pain in my pouch for two days nowl. My doc has ordered a endoscopy. I understand this is where they put a scope down your throat. Does it hurt.
Has anyone ever had a stricure and what does it feel like? This is like a pressure all the time. And when I drink it is worse. I can drink but it hurts. Eating is out of the question.
Topic: I lost 102 lbs!
Hi everyone! I am so happy because over the weekend, I managed to make it to 102 lbs lost. I started out at 308 lbs and right now I am 206 lbs. I am so excited I had to share with ya'll.
Topic: Who has the link to the list of meds we can take??
I need to know if Doxycycline is ok for my pouch?? My PCM said it would be ok, but I am having wicked stomach cramps and diarrhea. Anyone got any info??? I am only three days into this treatment and am supposed to continue for a full 30 days!!! I need to decide now if Im going to discontinue this med.
Topic: Road to Thin website
Please note that I have added a message board and pregnancy info to the Road To Thin website.
I have the messageboard just in case anyone feels like posting/chatting somewhere else besides here.
I know the OH site and all it's info cannot be replaced or compared to... but sometimes folks just want somewhere else to talk. So if that is you and a few friends, feel free to head over.
Topic: RE: Complete & Incomplete Proteins
A really good person to ask about this is Dame Tooter. If I remember correctly you can complete the chain by adding something else within 1/2 an hour of the original item. You can put beans with cheese. Your pea soup could have some ham in it. I eat the microwave pork rinds and complete the chain with some cheese or nuts or a small piece of deli meat.