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Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Thank you Jen! I really don't obsess over calories but I do think a lot more about what I put in my body.

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Hey Loretta!
Yeah well at least it is protein.
I didn't even know about the sugar free bread...hmm, thanks!

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Oh wow that's great! I can't wait to see 'em. I think you told me already but who was your surgeon...I know it's in TJ, right?

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Thank you for the feedback and suggestion...I'm just wondering when most of you start to get that "full" sensation and I usually do with that much food...sometimes I think I could eat more but I pay for it.

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
I'm feeling great but still sore so I have to take it easy. But other then that I'm happy with my results. I was just looking at my before pictures and I can't believe the difference. I'm still a little swollen so I won't see my true results for a few more months but so far I'm happy. I'll be taking pics soon.

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Terri, I know you eat more because you exercise a lot but does all that fit in your pouch in one sitting?
Or do you do the 15min thing where you only eat what you can in that amount of time? See that's what I'm wondering...
Thanks for the feedback.

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Hmm...yea sometimes I over do it...and I feel sick...I try to just limit it to two or even one and the egg plus the toast. I'm usually stuffed with that much.

Topic: RE: Can you eat this in one sitting?
Hi Sylvia!
Yes, I find that too...if I don't eat breakfast it does mess everything up. Weird huh? I use to always skip breakfast before.
So how are you doing? How do you feel now post-ps? Are you happy with the results? And when are you going to show us pictures?
Had to ask...sorry.
I want to get a tummy tuck so bad...someday I guess.