Reasons to weigh in
I started charting and researching again. Just to let you know that every group that WEIGHS IN REGULARLY that they are like 10-20 lbs. ahead of the average LOSS FOR GROUP THAT DON'T WEIGH IN. Let me tell you it was hard to check those groups that don't weigh in, I had to check every profile and read through, plus as you know some people--like my profile that I can't figure out how to use--- may not be even documenting. THOSE THAT WEIGH IN REGULARY are like between 85-95 lbs out after 6 months. I think they keep each other in check, they find hints and use them, they look what others are eating, and like doing any weight loss program regularly--they are constantly reminded of their goals and where they want to be!! So I will be here daily to check everyone's info because I want to achieve my goals and I am going to make sure I do this time!!! Hugs and Kisses, Sandy
Gi G.
on 4/2/06 5:42 am
on 4/2/06 5:42 am
I think the monthly weigh in that you started is a terrific! I didn't realize how similar we are [as a group] until I looked a*****ped out. I weigh now ever day, but will eventually wean to once a week. That's for me, so I can hold myself accountable.
But the monthly weigh in's, that's just a really good tool for remembering that we are all on this journey together and here to support each other! xosm