What to say when I go back to work
how are you? I go back to work on Tuesday, and I also work in the school system. Most of the teachers and my classroom students know the surgery I had. For me it was great telling them, I did not want to hide it from them. This was something I looked forward to doing and so life changing, I felt that since they are part of my life now they needed to know. And omg goodness the letters and cards I get from them this past month I've been home is amazing. You might have a great support system at work, like I do. Sorry to blab...hope this helps
I also felt that I really wanted to keep this to myself. I wasn't ashamed or anything, but I felt it was a very private decision and I wanted only those I chose to tell to know. I think like others have said, some people have the complete wrong idea about WLS and there certainly are opinions about it! I had to tell my principal (or at least I felt I had to tell her) and asked her to keep it confidential. I was only out for 1 week but by the time I got back everyone in the office knew and so did most of the staff. I had to just let it go. If anyone asked me directly I just say that I had surgery and it was just one of those things that I'd been putting off for a long time and it was time to get it done. They never ask any further details. Of course, that might be because they got the scope in the grapevine.
Anyway, it sounds like you have a good foundation laid, so if anyone asks just say it was one of those things that needed to be done and you are feeling fine now, thank you. Only the very pushiest will move beyond that and then you can play the "personal" card.
Good luck getting back to work! Take it easy.
Julie B
I never really told anyone what kind of surgery I had to have. "Due to medical complications my Dr's have decided that I need to have surgery..." When I came back to work I just said, "I had intestinal surgery and am doing wonderful and thanks so much for asking!" When everyone saw that I was feeling better and happy they didn't ask anymore questions ! It was also a great reason for the change in my meals and eating habits.