One Month out today!!!! I made it, and what a month!!
I CAN'T believe it's been a month.
I had open y on Feb 7th 2006, a Tuesday.
Was in the hospital for a week.
And was miserable in the hospital, just miserable, on the verge of a full out panic attack at al times, couldn'****ch TV, couldn't get comfortable, couldn't focus, couldn't sleep, couldn't wait to get home.
Once home, the first three days were not too good, I did sleep a lot, but I was extremely uncomfortable and thought more than once, "OMG! What have I done!" My belly was swollen so big, it felt twice as huge and I didn't have a comfortable chair, so had to be in bed. Very hard.
Whatever you do, get yourself a lazy-boy type of chair to live in for the first month. My dad brought his over for me, and once I had that chair, it was 110% better
At about the fourth day, I could focus, and made a chart of what I was to eat and when. each day it got better.
It helps when you have a strong, loving support system. For me it's my husband. Could not have done this without his love & support.
My incision is still sore a month out, and that's the only problem I've had really, the top part was leaking a little and would get dry crusty scabs that hurt like hell, so I'd soak in the bath and try to remove them.
I still have a hard time sleeping, I'm a stomach sleeper and slepping on my back and side is hard, but I put a pillow against my chest and roll to my side, almost on my back. It's getting better
My Dr.s diet is pretty hard, it's liquids 2 weeks, full liquids 6 weeks, pureed 2 weeks, then soft for 2 weeks. THEN it's on me to make the right choices and diet.
Food isn't a big issue with me right now, I tell myself I will eat again
My Dr also wants me to walk a 1/2 an hour a day. I'm just starting to get there. I was so exhaused all day, could barley be up and about for more than 10 minutes, but that too seems to be getting better
A MONTH already has gone by, and I made it.
You will make it too. It's a wonderful feeling.
I am in no way an old pro at this, still learning every day, still have lots of questions.
I don't weigh myself all the time, I decided to do it once a month, so as of today I've lost 54 pounds
Good luck to all of you
*Please excuse all the typos*
I celebrated my one month yesterday. I'm down 27 lbs., which I am happy with, but YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! Keep up the awesome work (and it IS work, isn't it?). I hit a plateau a week ago and actually went up 2 lbs. I wasn't discouraged though only becasue I've read so many profiles on OH that said they experienced the same thing.
I'm happy for you!