To full to drink and i am thristy:-(
so i cant drink before i eat or during i eat or after for a period of time. and i am thirsty allllllll the time. i am suking on ice cubes to relieve the thirsty feeling. is anyone else have this issue? Also i cant drink likei used to so 4 gulps and i am full but still thirsty....sigh
Cotton mouth
Hi Cotton Mouth !
I'm also cotton mouth and getting use to it. The supplements they put you on make you oh, so dry mouthed, my corners of mouth are cracked. No, you cannot get enough to drink on this diet, no matter how hard you try. If I could drink a whole glass of water right down, 8 oz, easy. But you can't. You have to sip, sip, sip ! Between all the other liquids (I'm on stage II which is full liquids 10 days post op), it's impossible to get all your water in. But I'm still trying. I too am using ice in between but it's so easy to get parched, very dry throat and mouth all around. Good luck to you, what state are you in ? I'm in New Hampshire. God Bless, Ava
I had surgery the same day. I get cotton mouth at times during the day. My suggestion would be don't gulp your water. Sip it and do so consciously all day. I can get a full 32 oz of water in now. Plus the protein shakes made with water give me another 8 oz. I'm on pureed foods, so I try to get one meal of that in. I'm probably a little dehydrated, but it sounds to me like you might ought to focus on protein shakes to get nutrition and water. Water should push through your pouch pretty quickly.
I'm not an expert by any means, though! This is just what works for me. One meal is great for me.
Tracey Bateman
I was told i need to sip more and this is a problem for me cause i am a drinker...not alchi lol but drinks i could drink 6 to 7 glasses at one sitting before so this part of it is so hard for me. i start pureed next week. i cant eat one meal...persay cause i can only get down half of a jello cup so i try to do that a few times but usually only twice. Protien i am struggling i really thought i could do it but i am finding crappy protien i ordered some new stuff today so we will see. its kinda like a game like i said in my blog. a game i still dont know how to play...but i am learning.
Hi Julie,
I am not having any problems getting in 50 to 60 oz of water a day and I'm only having dry mouth in the middle of the night so I get up and have a SF popsicle and I'm good til morning. I too was a gulper, could take down a 16.9 bottle of water in 2 guzzles. This sipping is a crazy thing for me too but you HAVE to sip, if you gulp you are filling your pouch with air and yes, you'll feel full and leave yourself thirsty, more than that, you will dehydrate because you aren't getting in enough water. Once you master the sipping your mouth will be moist all the time because your hydration will be correct. Give sipping more priority; it will become a habit after 3/4 days. Jackie