I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!
I am new to this board, but that's because....*drum roll, please*.......I HAVE A DATE!!!
Yeah, that's right. Got a date! Wednesday, February 22nd.
I am so ecstatic! And scared. And joyful. And nervous. I'll be fine. *deep inhale* The insurance company, GHI-Family Health Plus, returned with a positive decision FOUR DAYS after they got it!!! Amazing. My family is supportive, most of my friends are supportive, and I am at peace with the One who made me. (hint: it's God) He gave me peace back when I started researching this, and I am sure I will be fine. Now, I just wait, which is something I'm good at doing. *sigh* Just thought I'd let ya'll know, seeing as we're in the same boat. *grin* Any advice on what to do with the last week and a half? See ya'll later.

Congrats Jenn! You seem, as was I, overjoyed that the approval came through. Actually, I think all of us that have chosen to go this route felt the same way. All will be fine, just keep a positive attitude, surgery will sail through & you'll be home, up & moving in no time! Keep us posted as to your updates, ask questions when you have them. There's tons of us out here with a million answers. Good luck, God Bless & your in our prayers, Jenn