TT pic 13 days post op
Just sharing my progress! I finally got my drains and stitches out. Its so much more of a difficult recovery than I anticipated! I am happy with the results thus far though, so Im sure in 6 months I will be thrilled and it will all have been worth it!!
Have a happy day!

Well like I said in your 4 day pic post - you are looking great. I am scheduled for surgery on Dec 13, tummy tuck and breast lift, can you tell me more about the recovery, I am very interested in hearing about it. Thanks for any comments you can give on this matter. I am trying to get as much information as possible on the recovery.
thanks in advance
Well.......since getting my drains out I have swollen HORRIBLY!!!!
My doc told me it could happen, of course it happened to me! I am still wearing my binder (I cut it in half since the lower portion is where the swelling is). I have been back twice to have fluid removed (60ccs the first week, and 100ccs the second week after drains removed). I think I will have to make another appointment to get more removed. I have to elevate my feet when Im not working to help ease the swelling. I tried ONE day with no binder, and I was like a big fat swollen tick! I know swelling is common (if you go to the plastics board MANY are suffering SWELL HELL).
So thats where I am now. I am almost 6 weeks post op, and have been told the swelling can last for months! Ughh.......
I still dont regret the surgery, but I wish I was one of the lucky ones who had no swelling. My upper belly looks fabulous, and its so nice not to have the muffin top hanging over, I just want the flat, tight belly I had at 2 weeks post op! My doc assures me it will come back, and I do have better days where I see less just seems to keep coming back!
Good luck Stacy......