I appreciate you!
Yes, all of you February '06ers! I love coming on here and reading how well you're doing and how healthy you are becoming. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you. I want to encourage you today! Go out and do something relaxing, just for you. Stop and breathe deep. I'm glad I know all of you and that we're in this boat together. Enjoy your journeys, friends!
Jen Halliday

Hi Jen,
From your surgery day twin.
I have been so busy, I quit my stressful job, moved from my city and now I don't work.
WE are slowly getting settled. Things moved so quickly I could barely keep up.
I'm hoping to come to NY for xmas. I just need to find the $$ growing on a $$ tree.
Dont we all need $$.
I'm gald your well. I'm still having medical problems, but I will get better.