Check me out y'all!
Hi Elisa,
I can't see the pics. I guess I'm not listed on your favorites anymore. Wow! Two years, can you believe it? How is GG? Do you still do the weight chart? I've maintained my weight for a long time, and am not losing, but I happy at the size I am. People tell me I look great. I'd still like to lose more.
Guess what? I had my first real dumping last night. It was awful. I had no idea what dumping really was until it happened to me. I ate some key lime pie which was too sweet, and I ate it too fast. The next thing I know I get really dizzy, my head feels like it is in a vice grip, I start throwing up, my heart racing, and then I had the runs for several hours, and cramping of course. My blood sugar spiked from 91 to 346 in ten minutes. I felt horrible. The worst was over in 20 minutes, and my blood sugar started going back down. Still, I was up all night with the runs. My blood sugar is back to normal today under 100. I feel tired, and have learned my lesson. Anyway, two years post op and still learning!
Take care!
Hmm...I don't know if I have those pictures up anymore?'s been a while. But of course you're still on my friends list.
I don't think I have ever dumped so bad. I hope you feel better. I kinda wish I could that way I could stay away from sweets easily. Nice to see you posted and that you are maintaining. How is your friend Alisa doing?