Had 2 bites of a chocolate chip cookie! A real one! Okay, here's what happened: So, Friday, one of the ladies from work was restocking the fresh baked cookies and offered me one that had just come out of the oven, but was imperfect. Trust me, folks, it was NOT imperfect!! This is verbatim how the convo went:
"Oooo, those smell super good!"
"Do you want one? They just came out of the oven and we have some free broken ones over there!"
I took two bites and realized what I had done and prayed to not get sick too bad since I was at work. And do you know.....I did not get sick like I thought. A little upset stomach, but nothing like I thought I would get. That saddnes me. Although, I do dump, so I DON'T EVER WANT TO HAVE A COOKIE AGAIN!!
But, man! Can you believe that?!?! Without really giving it too much thought, I was like, "Sure!" She said "free" and I was hooked, you know? I HATE that! Well, hopefully, not ever again. I'll just stick with my air popped popcorn with real butter and cinnamon & Splenda poured over. Mmmm, it tastes like a cinnamon bun!
Jen Halliday