I'ma jump rope my last 20#s off!
Hi all!
Just wanted to drop in and give a little update on my weightloss. I'm still at 175-177 which is fine with me. I'm still wearing 14s comfortably, yay!
So my hubby and I went for our (long overdue) 1st year visit. I didn't have any blood work current and neither did he so we had to get some done on Friday. Still don't know the results.
I'm actually afraid to know because yes...I have been bad. I keep forgetting to take some calcium, which btw I remember being told early on that TUMS was ok and now I'm told it's not and I need to take calcium citrate, also haven't been good with the iron (scared to get constipated) and b12 for some reason slips my mind most of the time.
The nurse told my hubby she didn't want him to lose anymore weight and told ME she wanted me to lose 20 more pounds
. Duh, I already knew I needed to lose 20...my personal goal after all is to get to somewhere in the 150s range.
Soooooo...I just got a bright
the other day...
I haven't been exercising and I you all know how I start and stop everything I try...and then somehow I thought about doing JUMP ROPE. I loved jump roping when I was a kid but as I grew heavier it wasn't much fun with everything bouncing and jiggling...
. Now I know about sports bras and I am lighter it should make it fun again. Does anyone else jump rope for exercise? Do you guys think doing that and brisk walking would be sufficient to call an exercise routine?
I have one other thing thats going on and this may be too much info to put out here but I trust you're not going to tell anyone...lol...somehow I always think it's only a few and the same ones reading my random posts. Anyway...I got two periods last month. The first was a regular period which lasted 5-6 days I think and the second started about 12 days after and its dark colored spotting accompanied by cramps. I'm worried
. I don't know what it means. I have an appt. with the gyno on the 17th. Hopefully I have nothing seriously wrong. Alright, I'm off...

Hi Elisa! So glad to see you post to update us. I am glad that you and your hubby went to get your checkup. I hope your bloodwork comes out o.k. It's very important that we remember to take our vitamins. After all, that is what will keep us from getting weak. But no sense in me preaching cause I know that you already know that. So anyway, about that little problem you said you are having. Well, I have had something similar for quite a few months now. I went to my gyno and he said it was due to the rapid weight loss. That tends to throw our schedule off. I had been spotting for days before I was due for a period. I would spot, spot, spot, but not enough to ever have to wear a pad. Usually happened only when I had to pee. It was very weird and I was frankly getting annoyed with it because I couldn't ever tell if I was starting my period already or not cause I would spot and then nothing for a couple of days and then again. He put me on 3 months of some hormone pills and it seems that after the 3rd month of taking them, I seem to be o.k. I was also cramping like you said and things like that have not happened this month which is the 2nd month after I stopped taking those hormone pills. Anyway, just relax until you see your gyno. It's probably just another thing that happens as a result of our weight loss like in my case.
Thank you for sharing this with me Loretta. I went to my appt. and the doc said it could be that I need my thyroid medication adjusted or just a simple "fluke". He gave me orders to get bloodwork done.
Other than that, I got scheduled for an ultra sound (I think) to check my ovaries...and for my yearly exam. My doc noticed the weightloss and was very impressed. He didn't mention that this was happening because of my rapid weightloss. So we'll see what the bloodwork shows.

Hey there Mrs. Hottie...looking good! I saw your pics and I'm impressed. Wow you have done so, so, so well.
You know, ever since I started moving...a little walking, a little joggin and a bit of jump roping I saw the scale move!
Granted, I'm not doing exercise everyday but I am certain even those few days I've gone out must've made the scale finally move for me.

Update: I jump roped for like two to three days and that was it!!
I try so hard y'all to exercise and get into but dangit I just can't find it in me to keep going. I need ideas...give me inspiration...something...a kick in the rear? LOL I'm still want to lose the last 20#s but really haven't done much to do so. I seem to be comfortable at this weight...TOO comfortable if you ask ME. I hate that...well good thing is at least I *think* about what I put in my mouth now more than ever before.