SO i know alot of you have heard me ***** over the last few months how unhappy i was at my job...well i quit and started to serve again at a chain resturant that just opened and they made me a lead server and a key employee
I couldnot be more happy. I run around like a crazy person all day and just love it!!! AND i am "seeing" someone..NOW dont get all excited lol its only a week old BUT...i like him a whole lot. he is crazy like me and younger than me WOOHOO and cute and i will post pics soon...but i am really happy NOW get this...I have lost 6 pounds and another size lmao WOW WHAT HAPPIENESS CAN DO FOR YOU!

Congrats on being happy. I'm glad you have a job that you enjoy! New love can make you happy too.
I keep chasing myself around trying to find and make myself happy, I just cannot score.
I keep wonder where all I used to love has gone too? I'm happily married, but it's seems long and ardious sometimes. I need to shake things up around here.