one year reflections - my turn!
It took me a few days to decide what I wanted to say about the last year. I know my life has changed dramatically but the changes have happened so gradually that most days seem normal like I've always been like this. I'm so thankful that I was given this opprtunity to make positive changes in my life.
My hope is that we all keep using our tool properly. I know there will be little backslides and bumps from time to time. Let's all stay friends and help each other over the rough spots. Together we can be strong and support each other. I hope the next year is as successful as this past year has been.
If we approach the coming year with the same determination and drive that we did this first year we'll more than make it. Those things that don't kill only make us stronger and so long as we have websites like this one where we can share our journey with those who know what we are going through we can and will be successful! God bless you on your journey. -Bill-