I jogged
Hey guys just wanted to share...I actually jogged (alittle) yesterday evening. It's not easy with the boobage. I can't believe I did it anyway. It felt great. I felt so light and full of energy. I want to keep doing it but my partner :rolleyes: is really hard to motivate. I felt soo good and I wanted to share.
Yay!!! You jogged! Can you believe it? That's a good thing. And you didn't hate it. That's an amazing feat in itself.
Sometimes I dream that I'm just running and running really fast. Not necessarily running away from anything but just running and it feels really good. Weird cuz in real life I'm not too fond of running except if it's on the treadmill then it doesn't seem so hard.
I wish my boobs got in the way. Unfortunately, I don't have that problem anymore.;'(
p.s. luv your eyebrows!