1 Year Crunch, final stretch.
How is everyone doing getting to their goal weight for their 1 year surgeversary?
At the start of this challenge, I started at 266
My 1 year goal is 226
Last Check in I weighed in at 258.
Today: 244
lbs left to 1 year goal: 18
I had set my 1 year goal really agressive, 40 lbs in just under 3 months. I'm doing really well, and am not concerned if I make it on the 17th or just a week or two afterwards. I lost 13 lbs for month 11 which is great. I'm still shoting to lose the 18 lbs this month, but it's going to be work. I have to really cut my carbs down to nothing in order to get there, so I've been debating it back and forth, and I'm really going to try for it.
On the upside of things, I've lost 1/2 my body weight. I started this journey at 492, and this week I weighed in at 244 which means I've lost more weight then I weigh (248 lbs). It's really an odd thing to think about although it feels totally surreal. Someone asked me on another forum if I thought there was another me somewhere out there on some other plain of existence. I don't know, what I do know is that I've changed as a person in this past year, for good or bad, I'm not completely sure, I do know that I'm more important to me, and I take extra efforts to take care of me (something i never really did before).
I hope that your all reaching for your goal.
I'm doing ok, but I was at a stand still for 2 weeks. I'm almost at my surgeons goal of 155....I have 4 more pounds to reach his goal. But I'm still 19lbs from my personal goal of 140
I'm happy with my current weight loss of -125lbs but I really want to reach my personal goal. I may never see it but I want to get close.

Gi G.
on 1/18/07 1:18 am
on 1/18/07 1:18 am
I've lost a total of 130 pounds. I have 23 left to what I think is 'goal' [normal BMI] but I haven't seen the surgeon to confirm the number. I am losing well, 5lbs in the past two weeks. I don't think I will lose 23 by February 15th, but I sort of expected to be about a month to 6 weeks off, because that's what I was off on my first goal. I have a lot more extra skin than I did the last time I lost weight, A LOT. Not sure how that will factor in.
I started a part time job to make ends meet this week, it's not the WORST thing, but it is what it is. It has made me mix up the times I exercise, but I am still getting in 10+ miles a week. I also got a free 8 week trial membership to Bally's. I don't know how or if I can fit it in, but I am going to go visit tomorrow or Saturday and see if it's possible. I can't work my abs because of the hernia, but I would like more tone in my arms and the rest of my body.
This is my last couple of weeks of WW. I really can't afford it right now. I am still going to follow the Core program, with my main focus on the rules of the pouch. I find I physically feel the best when I make the pouch rules my top priority.
Scott your continued weight loss is truly amazing, really, just WOW.
Syl, you look so terrific in your pic!
Your doing awesome. I know that the WW meetings were helpful to you , have you thought about going to a over eaters annonymous meeting instead? From my understanding they are free, and it's that same type of group support, even though you can use your own weight loss plan.
I don't work out at any specific time, I do it when I have time. So sometimes it's first thing in the morning, and other times it's in the evening. I don't think it matters when, as long as you just do it.
I find going to the gym is really helpful to me, because I know I can'****ch TV or eat, I'm there for just one thing to work out. I really want to get a new bathing suit (the one I bought at the beginning of the summer was a 3x, and now I'm a XL or a large depending on the cut), so I can start swimming again. My gym has a great pool.
Gi G.
on 1/19/07 11:54 pm
on 1/19/07 11:54 pm
Hi Scott. I am not sure how I feel about OA, I am actually not sure how I feel about WW meetings anymore either. Something happened at the last meeting that turned me off, and made me feel like post-WLS is hard for non-WLS people to understand. I do think they helped me get thru the time I needed to, and now, maybe, they've outlived their usefulness so to speak. I will probably try to find another WLS support group [the first one I went to I didn't care for]. I also have a friend here locally who had surgery in July.
I am working part time now, taking my daughter to and from school 3x a week, ballet, etc. I got a free membership to the gym to 8 weeks and I would like to try to find a way to fit that in, too. So I'm not worried about the meetings falling off.
I think it's so cute that you are excited to get into a bathing suit, GOOD FOR YOU!!! I think the gym I am trying out has a pool too, I love to swim.
Like sylvia i to am not sure if i will reach my goal. Since i had my surgey in coasta rica i never really got a DR's goal weight i made my own. so 145 not so sure ia m only 25 pounds shy of it so who knows. but i am truley happy with me (other than the skin) lol I too scott have chaneged i keep saying i havent...BUT i have. im almost to the point of ****y...lol im more who always wanted to be if that makes since. i say things i never would of before in fear that people would make fun of me. my favorite phrase is "come on ...look at me" lol i know imma ***** lol AND THAT TO!!! it feels good i hope i never wake up from this dream. i too (gg) started a pt job to add on to my full time job and i am serving again its fun i love it. at work this TRUELY hot boy called me skinny.....i busted a gut because he ment it and it wasnt an oximoron lol like Jumbo shrimp.....its nice to feel happy with me, i truley love me...finally!
Hello Scottie,
I'm an end of Feb gal, so I still have a chance to reach my one year goal. Only 7 more pounds until the century mark. To tell the truth, as fun as it will be to have my weight loss in the tripple digits, I feel normal now. I can fit in seats, booths, fair rides, and shop for clothes just about anywhere (I'm cheap though, so mostly at thrift stores).
We have this holiday holdout challenge, thing, at my work, where you try to loose at least 5 lbs over the holidays. Last year I did it and earned $20. This year I decided not to do it, cause I felt like I would be cheating with my new "tool". I guess sometimes I'm too honest for my own good. LOL
I still have a stretch until I get to my pie in the sky dream of being 150lbs, but I'm happy where I am.
Here's to being happy!