Waste of time...
Spent all day at hospital having test run, nothing showed up. I'm still pretty sick in my opinion, fever, chills, uncontrolled sweating, but I'm fine. I'm so mad.
The hospital treated me poorly and then told the dr I refused follow up care.
Total crap. Now, why do I pay 1/2 a grand a month for insurance and i'm the one doing all the work. My friggan throat feels like it's going to blow up and I hate this situation i'm in.
I am having second thoughts as to why I did this in the first place. Thanks for listening to my vent, hopeflly I won't die over the course of the weekend
Maybe GG is right, it could be the flu that you have. So sorry to hear that they wasted your time but at least you got checked out and you know for sure it's nothing. I waited 4 hours at the dentist's office the other day just to be seen & have a partial root canal done but it was worth the wait at least I'm not in so much pain any more.
Take it easy this weekend Jennifer.