Arrrrrrgh, I've GAINED!
You know girl friend...i dont even get on the scale only once amonth to tell gg my weigh in...I am readign post and everyone is freakingout about gaining or platueing and you know i wanna weigh goal. BUT IM A SIZE 8!!!!!! who woudl of thought this time last year as i pullled up my size 24 jeans that i would be a size 8!?! i think we all need to stop focusing on what we weigh and how we feel. We know what to do and how to eat. ELISA! you know you should not eat dark chocolate! but you cant change what you did you can only move ahead. as long as my clothes in a size still fit or are getting smaller and as long as i wake up and feel good i am ok. I still after a year dont eat bread or white rice. (only on sushi) I still dont drink soda i still limit my sugar intake....YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! I believe in you....AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I STILL MESS UP. lol its not the messing up that casues weight gain its the continuing to mess up daily that does. All i can tell you is do what you know is right and stop stressing you know stress causes weight gain right??? I LOVE YA!
Thanks Julie!
Sorry it took me a while to reply. Guess what though? I'm back down to 189.8. Not bad huh? I've gotten the snacking under control...I think I was doing it cause of my period...just got it yesterday. I started fitdaying today and I hope to continue to for this entire week (mini goal). Then I want to slowly get back into exercising. I know we're only human and we all mess up once in a while. Not the end of the world right...Love you much too!!