Anyone gone to the Dentist...
Since surgery to get any work done? I have had the worst tooth's not horrible, I mean I can tolerate it some what but I need to go! I would of gone sooner but it's soooo expensive plus I am sooo scared
to find out just how much work I need to get done & then getting it done (all the drilling & injections)
I've been reading that after wls people tend to have more dental problems. Anyone know anything about this? Also I wonder about the medications (if I were to need any) are they wls safe?

I have been thinking about it. But havent figured out how to afford it yet. I dont think anything is wrong with my teeth. But in the back. Food seems to be getting stuck. I think it is wear I had my wisdom taken out. and now with the weight loss I have a gap back there that I can hardly get to. The food seems to be going between the teeth and gum. I sometimes have to dig and dig with a toothpick and my finger to get food out. Expecially chicken, celery, popcorn, Chicken is hard to get out. Maybe after christmas but I am also thinking I should what and see if it settles itself after the weight loss settles.
Gi G.
on 11/27/06 8:28 am
on 11/27/06 8:28 am
I went recently. We have fairly good insurance and it's still not covering everything. I had to have a tooth pulled, but I think these problems precede WLS [I was bulimic so it kind of dates back to that].
Personally, I'd rather live with a bit of discomfort in the chair than constant tooth pain. But the hit to the wallet is the WORST! Good luck. xosm
Where do I start? I've had a root canal, 2 crowns, deep root cleaning, and a cavity filled. I have more dental problems because of the diabetes. Hopefully now that my sugar is under control, the dentist will no longer be my best friend. Just make sure the dentist knows you've had WLS so if he prescribes something for pain, it can be Tylenol based. Good luck!