Call me Negative Nellie!

Terri R. R
on 11/21/06 4:33 am - 'bout 45 minutes from San Francisco, CA
I want to share this with you so we can all learn my my sister-in-law's mistakes. Kelly was my inspiration to have gastric bypass surgery. She had her surgery in August of 2004. She weighed over 400lbs. By November of 2005, she was down to about 210. Her surgeon told her that if she could loose another 20 lbs, he would do a tummy tuck for her. She lost another 10 lbs and hovered around 200 for a while. That's all good. Here's where she messed up. Kelly started getting lots of attention from guys at work. She started going out with the "girls" from work. They were all single and they ended up at the bar on Friday and Saturday nights. Kelly started having an affair with a co-worker and left her husband. She kept drinking and drinking. All those calories soon added up. Alcohol is VERY high in useless calories. She quit going to the gym. She didn't have time for the gym any more. She was too busy going out partying with her new friends. Fast forward to last week. My mom says Kelly has gained back up to around 250 in just 8 short months. Kelly lost her job because she was too hung over to go to work. She lost her house because she couldn't make her mortgage payments. And, of course she lost her family when she decided drinking and partying were more important. Let's all learn a lesson from this. Don't let your new body image go to your head. Please don't transfer your food addiction to other harmful addictions. And, please keep exercising. We all know what we need to do to stay on track. Let's keep doing it.
on 11/21/06 5:49 am - orange city, FL
This is not an uncomman thing for WLS Patients. And i agree very sad. I can see though how it can happen. I NEVER DRANK even before wls. I still dont dont see the point. SO i am lucky in that since....Not to make light but she got attention from guys??? DAMN IT!! lol i cant get any lol sorry...but i agree i have seen many man y many of my friends who had WLS drink them self back up to a high scale weight. One of my friends in in jail lost her kids her husband and her life cause of drinking and drugs and partieing. NOTHING wrong with going out having fun but getting high and drunk is not the way to go.... this was a very good point to bring up...this surgery changes us no matter if we think it does or not. J
on 11/21/06 7:58 am - Charlotte, NC
Oprah had a show about this a few weeks ago. The ladies traded one addiction for another. Drinking is terrible. I've never drank and don't forsee myself ever drinking. It just isn't something I want to do. How ever I'm still pretty self concious over my weight loss. I still wear baggie clothes and try to hide my body. I'm sad I let myself go and got so overweight i had to have surgery. I am working through this. However, people are so negative when you do something and are sucessful. I know everything is a lesson. My one sad thing is my wedding rings don't fit anymore, they are super huge, it makes me sad I cannot wear them. I decided not to get them resized until I have reached my wls goal. It's like $100 per ring to get them resized. I love my bling bling. I didn't want to risk losing them so they are tucked in the jewelry box. Jennifer
Beam me up Scottie
on 11/21/06 11:58 pm
I think that I can understand why she started doing that...i mean the change from ugly betty to super hottie is a hard adjustment. I mean lets face reality, we just had a post a few weeks ago on this forum where the topic was "I want more" (sorry too lazy to give the But I think it's natural to lose weight and be dissatisfied with your life as is, and that you'll need to be aware that it's normal and make POSITIVE adjustments, and not fall into bad habits. I guess it's the price of being one of the "beautiful" people. Scott AKA up and coming beautiful
on 11/22/06 12:30 am - Metrowest, MA
I don't know if it's harmful but I have transferd my food addiction for the gym 2 hrs a night. It's like a drug I crave. Luckly my gym is open 24/7. Doug.
on 11/23/06 1:31 pm - Skinny Land, CA
This totally sucks. I drank a bottle of wine last night.
Elisa *
on 11/23/06 3:07 pm - I.V., CA
A whole bottle? Are you okay? What was the occasion? Sorry for all the questions...I hope you are alright. Elisa
Elisa *
on 11/23/06 3:18 pm - I.V., CA
The first time I ever lost weight on my own...haha that sounds funny...but you guys know what I mean, I lost about 70#s and got down to a size 16. The new body image sure did go to my head! I went out a lot to clubs with friends...I drank almost every weekend...I was just a mess really. Good thing was I was single and wasn't hurting anyone but myself. I look back and I just cannot believe the ass I made of myself. I know a couple of friends still talk about "those times", I hate that but oh well we live and we learn (I think that's how it goes?). Now, it's completely out of my system. This time I feel different about myself. I know I'm looking better & better but funny thing is I don't feel it all that much. I think if this is the first time you've ever lost a large amount of weight...the new body image & feelings might make you go wild, the second time you just know better. Plus, I don't want to gain weight by drinking. Thanks for sharing this Terri. Elisa
on 11/29/06 3:29 am - Skinny Land, CA
I'm sorry-I was just being a butt-head about the wine Elisa. I believe alcohol and everything is OK in moderation. And just because you go out and enjoy the new you once in awhile doesn't mean you will gain weight back...or lose your family.
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