November weigh in
Gi G.
on 10/31/06 11:12 pm
on 10/31/06 11:12 pm
Don't forget to send it to me, or post it - for the stats chart. I will be posting the chart this month on my profile.
Today I weighed in at 198 - finally under 200lbs. Now that I've hit this milestone, I am petrified of the next goal. I would like to be at goal weight by February 15, 2007, my surgiversary [my goal is 155 *I think* because I have a super-duper amount of extra skin]. I just want to get my big hernia fixed already, and I dream of having the fat apron gone. SIGH. I can do it!
Hey Gigi,
I feel like I'm in a boat, on a stormy sea. My weight goes up, and down, and up and down. Shoot me now *sniff,sniff*. My weight today is 190. Oh well. I keep telling myself that I feel so much better, and I'm happy where I am, weight wise, for the first time in a long time. I have to tell the truth, though. That little tiny female dog in me really wants to get to 150lbs, and it seems so attainable, now, where before it seamed like a pie in the sky dream.
Anyway, whine, moan, complain...
At least with the hernia to be fixed, you know getting your apron trimmed won't be such a hassle.
Who was the fuzzy blue cutie pie monster in the email???
Gi G.
on 10/31/06 11:46 pm
on 10/31/06 11:46 pm
That was my daughter, she's the only kid I know who had 3 wardrobe changes yesterday. In the morning we had a nature walk class and she wore a black outfit with pumpkins and candy corns; then for her school party she was a butterfly fairy, and for trick or treating she was Sully, from Monsters, Inc. It was the cutest costume I've ever seen, and I'm not biased at all;)
I believe you will get to 150, we still have a long way to go before the year 'honeymoon' is over, I think it's easy to forget now, but our bodies are still going to do a lot of changing.
I have to say I am super surprised [and afraid, very afraid] that I haven't had a stall at this point like others have reported. Now that I am weighing in weekly at WW, it would make me CRY if I stalled for a whole month, yet I know, realistically, it's going to happen.
Anyhoo, ITA, having my health back is the best reward.
Scerick was a ketchup bottle for his school's "storybook character day". I guess it's their way of a PC Halloween
Then he had his school uniform, and the Yo Ho and a bottle of rum, Pirate costume. Surprisingly there weren't nearly as many pirates ahoy as I thought there would be.
Arrrgh, & Avast me maties,

Congratulations. You are doing great!!!
My weight is 220 today anyway. by tonight it will probable go up a few pds. It always does. Dont seem to be moving much. Against my nuts advice I have decided to start counting carbs. I am hoping this will help. I think I am eating too many carbs. We will see. love marie
Hi everyone,
GiGi - I am at 205 as of Nov. 1. I was unable to post my weight last month because we were in Orlando for a week and forgot about it once we returned. Weightloss is also very slow for me
I, too, am eating more than usual these days, but then I have been able to eat more than most from the beginning. My goal at this point is just to get under 200, hell, I'll be happy with 199.9
Thanks GiGi for keeping up with our stats; I really enjoy seeing it every month.
Take care all.....